The atmosphere of the show is adequate to my feelings now - it's apocalyptic and shows this tension between the rational and irrational we have in so many discourse's now too ... and the soundtrack (in special the opening song) from Ben Frost is also so ambiguous it oscillates from noise to melody - it's touching me ....

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I'm sorry, but what the hell was that beach scene, lol. They're all pretty calm about that.

I still want 100% more time spent on the old robot mystery, over the rest of the story.

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Curiosity keeps me coming back!
I love the unpredictability of the show and I love the conflated allusions.

They're slowly revealing the story, not just teasing us anymore with (delightful) abstractions, but they need to be careful about how many storylines they tackle per episode. Curiosity is good, confusion is just confusion.

Anyway, we finally and officially have the "tree of knowledge" and the serpent, looking forward to what they do with that. Also, the duality throughout the show continues - The Mary(Sue)/Lamia parallel feels complete now, with Mary "birthing" the tree to Mother's serpent.

Also... thoughts about possible accelerated growth and the eventual return of Tempest's child who may help to bridge the gap between the humans and the acid ocean merfolk...orrr ya know, bring an army to lay waste to the bipeds. Who knows... LOL, but it sure is great to speculate.

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As someone previously said, this show just keeps getting all my curiosity and my attention…the beach scene was truly heartbreaking…and Sue sacrifice didn’t see it coming, poor Paul :(

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why is everyone on this show don't let others know when they find something its getting annoying

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This show is so trippy! It's not the best thing around — it's not the worst, either —, but a lot of stuff is so freaking weird and fascinating that Raised by Wolves just keeps pulling me in, episode after episode.

The RTX Minecraft tanks are still hilarious, though.

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Umm... did anybody notice the random headless standing body in the background of the end of the birth scene? What the heck was that? Almost seemed like it was a mistake, like a leftover VFX asset or costuming mannequin or something.

Edit: it showed up in the next episode. It's some android apparently, but I don't remember where it came from.

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Geez, I didn't think that the card implied sacrifice in such a brutally literal way.

I thought we had our hands full with the mystery of Father's robot and, OH HELL, are these Acid Alien White Walkers? :cold_sweat::sweat_smile:

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Does anyone have a clue what the feck is going on in this mess of a show?

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