I adore this show, but something is missing this season. I can’t exactly put my finger on what it is.

The Bonnet conclusion felt anticlimactic. Maybe it’s because we didn’t spend much time on him this season? There’s a bunch of random episodes with very little plot progression. And then, all of a sudden, we get a Bonnet episode — and it’s the one where he dies. I dunno.

I’m just not AS invested as I have been during other seasons.

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Bonnet got beat up by... Roger. LOL.

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Why do the antagonists in this show always have to be just blatantly evil sociopaths? Do the writers even have a sense of subtlety?

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Well it's about bloody time he got what's coming to him.

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Who thought it was okay to waste an hour of my time on that horrendous actor? Rude.

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finally a good episode in this season!
One of the most things I love in Outlander is the beauty of the nature

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For some reason Roger finally grew a pair and it didn't make a lot of sense. The rest of the episode was exciting and seeing Brianna interact again with Bonett was delightful.
The whole Bonett arch did get concluded pretty quick though, a little bit too quick.

In reality asking what Roger asked Brianne would have gotten him scolded. This show can be pretty unrealitic at times can't it?

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