Wow, enough people getting laid in this episode.

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The best thing about this episode is watching Jamie Fraser finally be a Dad.:hugging: It was so touching. I even like how he gets on Roger's case. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: But, then he had to say goodbye to Murtagh...:sob:

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Highlights of the episode:
- Murtagh's vow to wee Jamie and their goodbyes at the end of the episode
- Brianna's wedding looks great. It's a bummer that nobody smuggled a camera to the 18th century and Brianna and Roger will have no photos from their wedding as it was really impressive. I like that tree overhanging them with white blossoms or whatnot, it certainly seemed atmospheric.
- Roger's song was pretty sweet
- Jamie is so handsome in the traditional Scottish war uniform ;) And the scene with the oath taking had some strong "Lord of the Rings" vibes. Jamie is certainly a successful leader and knows well how to win people's hearts and make them follow him into danger.

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Not sure Roger is gonna be a good husband. I'll think he'll want the go Back to The Future. Did he already mention that?

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Giving us a little Scottish “L-O-V-E” gave me life.

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