Poor butt hurt Roger. I never really liked him in the books. He was ok just uninspiring.

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Too-smart Claire doing stupid things again, making trouble by getting into trouble.

And Roger, dear old Roger... What happened to you lad? I ken not a man who would leave a wee bonny las like that for those strange reasons.

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How can they be so nonchalant about having interacted with a ghost? "I just saw a dead person. NBD" What?

Brianna, girl, you should have slapped Roger harder. To see if you could shake the stupid out of him. How dare he act all offended because she's not ready yet for marriage and a house and babies? Get a grip. Roger does not deserve her. She's much too good for him.

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  • Claire and Jamie travel through really beautiful landscapes; the land Jamie chooses to be their own is really stunning; I wonder whether these are real locations or some computer-generated vistas?
  • mysterious meeting with another time traveller/ghost
  • I liked Roger but he behaves in a really creepy way in this episode, at least it is inconsistent first to have slept with Brianna and then complain she is not a virgin, and also it is quite weird of him to declare his love for her and a moment later threaten her that he would have had his way with her if he did not care about her so much? This was definitely hard to accept.
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Shout by AJ

The minister's cat is a what-on-Earth!? cat...

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Roger should have slapped Brianna for being a terrible actress. I cringe every time she's on screen.

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