Damn, I hate it when shows end. Maslany, the cast, the visual effects, the writing, and everything about this show have continued to amaze me all the way up to the final scenes; and for that, Orphan Black will be one to remember.

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Tatiana Maslany, I love you so much

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When I started this series I was immediately hooked. You see someone who could be your twin walking on a trainstation and the twin kills herself. Well, that must be really twisted!

Thank you so much Tatiana. You did such a great job, and this show will always be remembered. I'm sad it's over, but happy it all ended well.

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Well. That was... an epilogue.

But thanks for the ride. I must admit that somewhere after season 2 I gave up on the whole plot and background story and just enjoyed Tatiana playing all the clones. And that was enough for me.
So if someone asked me what Orphan Black is all about I would probably say "Well, there is this awesome actress playing different clones and they all have distinct personalities so you forget it's all the same actress, and that's definitely worth watching, but don't ask me about the plot."

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i cried like 20 times and i'm still crying

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«Every time I look, the baby’s eating sand. I turn around, sand. Where does this sand come from? I don’t know. So, I let them eat it».

«Ogni volta che mi giro i bimbi mangiano la sabbia. Mi giro, sabbia. Da dove viene tutta la sabbia? Io non lo so quindi gliela lascio mangiare»

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I can help you with the Portuguese, Delphine. Ahahaha Her Spanish accent was actually really good. That was such a beautiful ending to Orphan Black! All about sisterhood.

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thank you orphan black, you have been so beautiful and incredible beyond words <3

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«I survived you. We survived you. Me and my sisters together.
This is evolution».

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Baffling, nonsensical, gripping, meandering...this series was a mixed bag, but thanks to Tatiana, there was a reason to keep watching. For the orphan in all of us, there is a family here worth sticking with until the end.

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Well, this is it... this is the end. What I know is that I will always remember this show. The finale was very satisfying and I'm very happy with it. I would love to see a short season in some years to know what have been of them (Please 2027 Netflix). I just want to thank the creators, the cast and of course Tatiana, whose career I'll be following for the next years. AMAZING actress.

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The series finale feels very rushed. Probably because they had to cramp a lot of stuff into just 10 final episodes and wasted some time in-between. I'm glad it ended but I do not like how it ended: incredibly clichéd. "Everyone lives happily ever after". Mhm.
Orphan Black wasted so much time with the CASTOR clones. Yes, it was interesting, but given the timeframe this show has had, that was precious time that was stolen from following what made Orphan Black so fascinating from the get go.
Since the writers completely screwed up with that story decision and entangled the show in absurd and more and more ridicolous story-threads, we get a rushed and therefore somewhat unsatisfactory ending to a show that was declining for some time.

Still, overall I liked this show very much and Maslany is an amazing actress who will probably have difficulties to satisfy the expectations this show set in her future endeavours.

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I love the second part of the finale which focused more on what really matter. And after all these seasons I keep forgetting one person is playing all these different characters. I hope tatiana maslany will get many more amazing roles in the future. I can't wait for what she does next!

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This has been my absolute favourite show since watching the first episode 5 years ago. It's so weird to think that I'll never watch a new Orphan Black episode ever again. What an amazing, smart, unique, badass female driven show this is. The finale really did the show justice. I'm so sad to see it end, but so happy to have been here to witness it. Farewell Orphan Black! Can't wait to revisit you soon.

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Finally a show with a good ending. It was great. Can't wait to see Tatiana in She-Hulk now.

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«My story is an embroidery with many beginnings and no end. But I will start with the thread of my sestra, Sarah, who stepped off a train one day and met herself».

«La mia storia è un ricamo con molti inizi e nessuna fine. Ma comincerò con la trama di mia sestra Sarah, che è scesa da un treno un giorno e ha incontrato se stessa».

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Ah, the sweet misery when one has reached the last episode... This show is amazing. Not one dull episode - and it's friggin' unbelievable how one actress can play her own clones the way Maslany does. The characters that ought to look the same, but somehow doesn't. The plot that's eeriely believable, the cast... it's... well. Amazing.

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A very satisfying finale for a very good show. Will miss all the sestras <3

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Dang PT got his faced smashed in!

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A solid finale for a great show. In particular, Westmorland's fate was a smashing success. But Helena should have had triplets so that Felix wouldn't feel left out. :)

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Omg. Lovely episode for the finale of the story. So sad about S. death, but she sacrificed everything for her family.

This was an amazing journey. I'm a hugh fan of Tatiana Maslany. Excellent write and production, and of course, the best cast.

Thanks for this. I'm never going to forget the incredible clone club.

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I can't believe it's over... Been following this story for about the 4 years and I can't believe all the Sestras got their happy ending. This was a beautiful episode all-in-all, with every storyline getting to its rightful end and every sister finally being able to fully live their life. Orphan Black will definitely be a show I'll miss. Oh, and the cinematography... Also kinda hard to forget. :)

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What a pleasant ending.> ALSO Tatiana, cannot wait to see what's next for her<3

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In addition to all the utter amazingness that has been Orphan Black's fifty-episode story...

(Wow. Did they really cram all of that into a mere fifty episodes? Wow. Did I mention wow?)

There's something oddly funny about the whole Orphan Black story being a memoir told by Helena.
"My story is an embroidery — many beginnings and no ends, but I will start with the thread of my sestra Sarah, who stepped off a train one day and met herself…"

Thank you to everyone involved in bringing us this incredible embroidery, from stunning beginning to final-trip end.

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I'm so sad to say goodbye to one of my absolute favourite shows and favourite characters. Thank you for this amazing journey.

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And this is how you end a fantastic serie. Farewell, OP! you'll be missed.

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Shout by Nox

Bring on the week long post-show depression where I walk around wondering what the point of owning a TV is cause nothings gonna top this for a while. Top 3 show for sure.

She named them Art and Donnie! :,)

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Man, that CASTOR storyline really stole a lot from this show. Not nearly enough Helena in the last couple of seasons!! Not to mention all the storylines they abandoned along the way - whatever happened to Vic and the nosy detective?
I'm glad it ended on a happy note, but they sure skipped a lot to get there.

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I unexpectedly found myself very emotional during Helena's birth sequence. This was a very satisfying ending. Tatiana killed it in Sarah's scenes. I look forward for her next works, I'm a fan now!

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Shout by bags

Super amazing show. Fantastic acting all the way through by Maslany. Really wish there could have been more Crystal

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Good end to a great show!

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God, I'm gonna miss this show so much

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I'll miss so much Sestra Club :'(

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Really satisfying series finale, but I'm so sad that there will be no more episodes to look forward to. Farewell Orphan Black, you will be missed dearly.

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Shout by dgw

Drawing parallels in my head to the finale of Star Trek: Enterprise, and not sure how I feel about that.

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I just watched and I'm feeling so sad right now... i hate when a show ends :'( itfeels empty. It was so great the finale, i loved it, i love tatiana maslany, she slays. ♥ #ThankYouOrphanBlack

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I'm not ready to say goodbye :(
Thank you Tatiana for your talent and made the impossible possible.
You'll be missed dearly.

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I'm gonna miss this. Great show. Great actors. Worth watching!

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As much as I love the entire series I thought the finale was a bit rushed. Could have been easily two hours. But nonetheless an amazing ending to even more amazing show.

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what a BEAUTIFUL series finale! they couldn't have made it better tbh, but i'm sad it's over :( thank you for everything, beautiful show <3

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i am NOT ready to watch this episode :((((

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