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ONE PIECE: Season 1


Even though I watched around 100 episodes of the anime a few years ago, I don't remember much of it. So, I'm kinda watching this as someone who doesn't have much of a clue about the source material (though I recognise the main characters, of course). As such, I found this episode to be a lot of fun! Solid action, nice stretchy Luffy arms and well rounded humour. I like the guy who plays Luffy, he's doing a good job portraying the character, from what I remember.

We all know the probability of this series being killed by Netflix after the first season is high, but I sure hope to still be watching more live-action stuff from One Piece in the distant future, as its universe has lots, and lots, and lots to give.

Two thumbs up, from me!

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Lol somebody already gave every episode a 1. Grow up buddy, its not even out.

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LET'S FREAKING GO!! :ship: ☠

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Perfect start, really liked the direction of it.

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As someone who hasn't watched the anime nor read the manga, I think it pretty good.

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I know the bar is low for these live-action remakes, but this first episode actually got a few smiles and chuckles out of me, and I think so far they're marrying the source material with the Netflix format quite organically. Looking forward to more!

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I did not expect much, because other live action have failed in the past, but man with the actual manga creator (Eiichiro Oda) working on this series it turned out really good. I like the start and it comes close to the manga and anime. The characters look visually fitting and match exactly what I remembered of One Piece. The VFX (especially Luffy's abilities) look incredibly well done and the color grading of the show is amazing.

Good start, definitely gonna continue this series and hope it will get a second season, because we actually finally needed a live action adaption, that literally can not fail.

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Fantastic start stays true to manga and the fights were superb. Has some good gags too!!!! worth watching even if you are not familiar with the manga or anime.

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Wow. Knew nothing about this. But that was a fun ride. Can’t wait to check out the rest of the season.

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Let's see if it's going to be a stinker or not.

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Interesting start! Didn't even know Luffy had a rubber skin lol. If I keep on liking it this much I'll definitely check out the anime!

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I haven't read the manga or watched the anime, but I really liked this. It's so over the top and that's totally fine, it gives it that anime vibe and makes it very funny and entertaining in general. Also loved the characters and their vibes and chemistry.

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Nice start. I think it's a good thing that they do not follow the real manga timeline. The manga takes first one volume each for Zorro and Nami, then increasingly long arcs for each crewmate. It would have been classic here to maybe do one crewmate by episode, but they really sped things up.

And yet, they still managed to keep the spirit of the original, and the important scenes. The main characters are pretty much in line too.

It's packed with action, and the fights are ok, well, we'll have to see how it can keep up when they get full of Devil Fruits users.

Also the first small arcs are easy to condense. How will that work later, on arcs that span dozens of volumes with scores of new characters/powers/fights ? Maybe packing one arc per season ? But, Netflix shows seem to rarely go that far anyway, so they may not have thought about it.

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I like some aspects and dislike some others.

I really enjoy Luffys character. Very good choice!

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just started watching this series. really like it so far ♡

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There was a continuity errror during the fight where fighter guy (green hair) had one earring instead of his really beautiful 3
Also the clown at the end looked so much like the Joker why can’t they get good actors like that i would love it

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I haven't seen the anime or read the manga, and all I know is who the main characters are (i.e. who ends up joining Luffy's crew), but man from just this episode alone I hope this show has many seasons and goes on for a very long time. I thoroughly enjoyed watching this and there wasn't a moment where I didn't have a huge smile on my face.

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OMG! That was so good! I have never watch the anime so I really went into it with no expectations, only heard people talked about it but omg this was so goood as a first episode!! The last fight scene was INCREDIBLE I was shook!

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I haven't watched the anime but the actor playing the main protagonist is so full of life. From his demeanor alone you can feel the story coming together. That said, it's a bit campy and I dig it for the most part. I'm sure manga/anime people may differ but I like it so far.

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Pretty fun episode. Sucks knowing it’ll be years before the grand line, much more for the time skip. But I hope the rest of the season is just as good

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I enjoyed the first episode. I think the actors did well and at the very least seemed to have watched the source material. Personally I couldn't settle the first episode as I feel like they crammed far too much in but that could just be the first episode or the contrast to the anime which is quite slow progressing.

I'm excited for the rest of the show but a bit dubious about it all. The cinematography and the set all look quite plastic and it doesn't help my immersion into the world at all.

It still has a general childishness feel to it that a lot of netflix adaptations end up having. I'm hoping a lot of this settles as the show progresses and everyone gets more comfortable in their roles.

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Answers the question of how you film a live action version of One Piece by shooting it like an 80s Tsui Hark movie with a zany energy and game cast that sells the weirdness by fully committing to it. It's not without occasional awkward moments, but those are usually just pacing, bits where the violence is unnecessarily gory, or trying to stick maybe a little too much plot and backstory into a single episode. But dang if it isn't a fun ride, that nails the characters and the world, and shows our ragtag team of misfits start to begrudgingly pull together, with Luffy being the most necessary and impressive success. Also impressed to see TV vet Steven Maeda as one of the heads of this, as I've enjoyed quite a bit of his work over the years.

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When Garp said a pirate wearing a straw hat stole the map to grand line and Bogard immediately get to work I laughed hard!
And we got Buggy D Clown at the end scene!!!

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Never seen the anime but know of the main character from the pop culture zeitgeist.

This was a lot of fun. Sure it's goofy, but it owns it well and generally commits.

Alvida and Koby were by far the weakest actors of the pilot. Luffy's charisma is energetic. Nami and Zorro were the highlights - adding a lot to the dynamic.

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Watched it twice, and tihkn Koby's rather good, and the inital scene with Alvida worked perfectly. I appreciate how clear is how the protagonists move from one thing to another. The only thing I didn't like is that The Koby goodbye didn't land as great (but maybe that's because we are still seeing Koby next chapters). And I really don't like too much of that floaty around the room camera with no cuts.

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I’m a huge fun of the anime, and didn’t expected to much from this live action, but it’s impressing me.

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I haven't watched one piece anime before. But watching this live action actually makes me want to see the anime.

So I really did like the first episode, the first part felt kind of slow. But the second half is just so much better. It is basically like watching a movie.
The action sequences are so amazing and well done. The location is really great and beautiful. The CGI is also awesome. I also love the costumes and the props.

In my opinion, the acting could be better. Some performances of the actors I just don't really like.

In conclusion, this is actually a really fun series. Hope the fun continues throughout the series.

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Not bad! Nami is still hot (they got this casting correct) will see how other episodes are. Definitely story changes but I’m not going to go crazy over it just yet

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Not a fan of anime/manga, but the show is good.

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