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Because my expectations were so low and I was on the bad wagon that's it's definitely gonna' fail.

it actually surprised me because how good it's made and without being woke like all the other netflix shows. And as an OP anime fan, I definitely sense the essence of Oda in this show.

I would definitely watch a S02 of this.

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So far so good. Loved the fight scenes, effects, photography.. it’s all really good! Can’t wait to finish it! Please, give it a try if u like action and fantasy!

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I can safely say, this is One Piece! There are some things that aren't accurate, like the mood Zoro's actor is stuck in, but overall they recreated the manga in live action. It's a beautiful attempt at bringing all the fun, epicness, and ridiculousness of the series to life.

Unfortunately, they seem to have cut too much for that 8 episode "pacing" and it resulted in some scenes missing context, and Nami's arc being rushed. While not having enough screen time for Usopp, or Genzo, and doing nothing with Gin.

They nailed some moments, totally skipped others, and restructured the East Blue saga and future events in some pretty good and bad ways. Overall, the series is what we love about One Piece, done in a way that leaves you wanting more and better at the same time.

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I’ve never watched One Piece or read the manga ‘cause, honestly, I don’t have the courage or time to start a 1000+ episode anime or read even more than that. I didn’t even know what the story was about other than them being pirates, so this live action is a good opportunity to enjoy the story without it being too overwhelming.
So far I really enjoyed it, it is funny and entertaining. It doesn’t seem to be cringe and weird like other live actions Netflix put out throughout the years, but I am curious to read other people’s opinions (especially the ones who have watched/read One Piece before) once I finish watching. Looking forward to watch more episodes :)

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As someone that has only seen a few anime episodes here and there I'm absolutely loving this. It's just incredibly fun and impossible to watch without a smile on your face.

I hate that it has that weird 'Netflix look' to it but other than that really good.

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Ok I'm gonna be honest here. One Piece live action is really really good and underappreciated. There are some problems but not everyone's gonna notice and it's not gonna bother most. But the thing that's actually gonna bother is its slow pacing which is not bad as it was needed for the World Building but pacing could have been better. It's a slow burn but worth a watch. I'm not gonna say it's the best live action adaptation of any anime but safety is one of the best live action adaptation. The cast is amazing, stets are really cool, VFX and CGI shots aren't bad or anything.

P.S. All the actors did an amazing job especially the one paying Luffy.

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A pirate adventure that takes place mainly indoors, a children's series that conveys the sensation of a cheap product, not only because of the recycling of settings from the series "Black sails" (Starz, 2014-2017) but because of a mediocre staging and poor visual effects. That a battle between pirate ships is resolved visually with medium shots and close ups demonstrates the scant talent and minimal resources. Instead of translating the animated universe into more or less believable real action, the result is actors in costumes imitating cartoon actions.

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Yeah...... so I went from "wtf is this crap?" 10 minutes into episode 1, to absolutely loving the show by the end of the final episode. 8/10 from me. Never seen the anime original but will definitely check it out while I wait for season 2 of the live action.

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Watch the real thing. Don't let this Netflix spinoff ruin one of the best and longest running animated shows.

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As a person who doesn't really know anything about one piece manga series, if you watch this you'll definitely feel like you need to watch the anime one.

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Well, this doesn’t work for me at all. The animated series is good and right, but this adaption stinks.
I mean, the actors try to be cartoon characters, which they are not and can’t be. That all makes it weird and cheap.
Most people don’t seem to care about this. But ask yourself, is that really what you thought it would be when you watched the animated series? Surely not, right?

And are you happy with this?

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They finally nailed a live action anime adaptation! We better get a season two, don’t just forever tease us with Smoker at the end there. 10/10 all the way!

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I didnt give this series enough Credit. After looking into the Avatar netflix series I see how good this adaptation actually was.

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This is so fun!! I'm always skeptical when it comes to live action anime adaptions but One Piece has changed that! Each second was extremely fun and entertaining, I haven't watched the anime yet so this was my first taste of the One Piece universe and trust me when I say, I want more!! So far for season one its a solid 10/10

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Show and season 1 rated a 9

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Surprisedly good entertainment! Fair history and CGI. Isn't a marvelous show, but works!

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Please, Netflix, don't cancel this show! THIS IS PEAK!!

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Feels like your average january release. It’s heavy on b-movie cartoon vibes, but there’s not one hint of irony or cleverness to make those kitschy aspects more palatable. A lot of anime tropes simply don’t translate very well to live action, with the constant heightened emotional state of every character feeling completely ridiculous here. Add to that the so-so craft/directing, dogshit performances and lack of original story ideas, and you have what I can only assume is the latest obsession of fans from last years RRR. Sometimes I genuinely wonder how we’ve regressed back to some of the worst tropes of 80s blockbuster filmmaking, this is nothing more than poorly done camp for a mass audience.

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Really enjoyed this season. Knew nothing about it, but found it to be very entertaining. Looking forward to the next season. :thumbsup_tone1: Well worth a watch. :thumbsup_tone1:

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The one piece is real

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I would say it is a success as a live-action and that new viewers will like it. As an One Piece fan and anime and manga watcher, it is not for me that much. What I love about One Piece is the characters' depth and the world-building. I felt it was rushed in this and they skipped and changed too many things. This is far from the plot of One Piece. Why the hell would they remove Loguetown arc or even present Garp and Koby and their storylines from Water7 already? This makes it impossible to follow the One Piece plot forward. It will be a different version of it. For me, it is a big deal. Nonetheless, I give it a 7/10 because for new viewers I would see it being a good experience.

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Loved it. It's goofy, cringey, funny, heartfelt and just plain old odd in parts! The actor playing Buggy absolutely nailed it. Good stuff:grin::thumbsup:

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I do not watch Anime in general and have never seen the anime version of this show. Regardless, this is a really good and fun show.

The neverending optimism of Monkey is infectious and Godoy has this great smile. There's plenty of fun action and just fun in general — also a lot of pretty cool weirdness.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Wow, amazing. Only 133 seasons to go...

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Terrible RENDITION. Custom design, CGI, acting, all awful.

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It's series like these that makes me wonder, DID THEY AIM TO MAKE IT HORRIBLE OR WAS IT AN ACCIDENT? Where to start? Aweful casting appearance wise. Those are the faces of unpaid extras not protagonists. Not to mention acting irself is a foreign concept. It seems like they are in a school play for extra credit. It's goofy, awkward and uncomfortable. Too many characters, non of them remotely interesting. I couldn't care less if they found the treasure or be eaten bu sharks. Especially that chuby pirate lady seems like she's in a hurry to go eat. I wonder, who's her father that got her that role. ZERO TALENT! The obligatory woke bullshit is there obviously, but that's not even the worst thing.
I had zero expectations cuz let's face it Netflix is long dead but this was exceptionally abysmal. I just hope ppl didn't pay to see it. RATE 2/10

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Shout by Deleted

So, no real japanese actors on this? That's kinda lame, especially from Netflix.

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As a OP fan for years, I was pleasantly surprised by how the LA turned out. I recommend it to everyone! I was anticipating this for a while and watched it when it released but didn't expect it's immense popularity. OP is already popular but it definitely garnered more western attention after this.

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I'm probably not going to finish this. I'm not much of an anime fan, but I decided to give this live action version a go. It felt just like how I thought a manga would feel. The acting and the plots and the dialogue and cgi and locations and designs were all spot on. I just couldn't handle any more repetitiveness, bright colours, loud noises, barbie type acting, and overdone characters. So, after 2 episodes, I had more than enough and didn't feel like watching anymore. I blame Netflix. The production is almost always like a stage play. Although, if I was an anime fan, I'm sure I'd love this.

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Not gonna lie, this show feels like a high-budget children's production. This isn't meant to be a put-down and I genuinely enjoyed the show. I haven't seen the anime or manga, maybe the child-friendly tone was an intentional nod to the original. The characters were well-cast, even though some lacked strong acting skills. All in all, if you can move past the initial cringe, it's entertaining and at times, wholesome, like a lot of the shonen manga.

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With such stupid, retarded, uneducated people, it's no wonder that our youth is getting dumber and dumber. Rarely seen such a stupid person

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I've never seen a single episode of the anime version of One Piece but this live-action has inspired me to go look up the original. Well done.

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Normally, not a fan of anime life action remakes. But this one was pretty good.

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I think this is the first remake of anime i've watched and I feel bad that I liked it. Production quality is not that good as I'd wished for but still. Great show.

Now I have to watch the original anime. 22 Seasons.. Oh...

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loved the characters, the acting and the overall appearance and design. best adaptation I've seen this year. can't wait for season 2

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Great anime adaption. Everything and everyone looked "natural". You don't get the feeling like someone filmed a series with cosplayer (ok there was a frontlace wig in one scene but that's it). Great scenery, battles, character portraits. Can't wait for season 2 ♡

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For over more then 20+ years of watching One Piece. i was blown away when i see this. offcourse not all the details are there. but then again it brings back memories of how it started. As Netflix goes a bit weird in there shows this was worth to watch. And those One piece fans know it. Keep it up. :thumbsup::v:

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Am I dreaming? It’s 2023 and they produce an adaptation that respects the source material? And not only understands and respects, but truly embodies the spirit of it. Great cast, great adaptation, very enjoyable show.
Yes, there were changes to the story. They are sometimes necessary, and many more will come. But they didn’t change the meaning of the story, or the soul of the characters. That’s what matters!
If you think you have something worth saying, create your own story. Don’t try to bend others’ works to your ideas, in the vain hope that acceptance of the original will validate your point of view.

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Excellent live action. Can't wait for series 2

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Idk the original anime but I felt like this one had bad acting overall enjoyable tho

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best anime adaptation series ever agreat star to the series

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It got me and my sister to start the anime :grin:

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Like the anime/manga it´s based on it´s very weird and has some serious flaws... But Luffy will get to you. It´s all heart and it´s awesome!

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Perfection in every single way. Can’t wait for season 2

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A solid attempt!

I feel like people gas this series up way too much because it's not another Dragonball Evolution. The opener and closer episodes were strong, but things got messy in the middle with some very amateurish writing and editing choices and awkward acting. Most of the time I had the feeling that I was watching a fan film with a freakishly lavish budget.

Granted, it was an extremely tall order adapting One Piece of all things, but I'd be lying if I said Netflix's efforts make me wish for more live action anime adaptations in the future. There's a place for animation in the mainstream media, and I think we as a society have got to ease off the idea that remaking something in live action is functional or even desirable.

I find the main cast very charming, and I'm glad that they seem to have had great fun making the show.

Buggy was definitely the highlight for me, his actor was having a fucking field day and I was right there with him.

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Shout by Marcoo

Good surprise! it is well done and follows the anime while excluding all the boring episodes.

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Shout by Scruffy
BlockedParent2023-09-06T13:11:22Z— updated 2023-09-10T15:48:27Z

I never watched the Anime because Animes are just not my thing but I really like this life action show after the first two episodes! It's fun to watch and the set design, the camera, the "animations" and facial expressions are all very nice. Also I appreciate that there is a lot of dialog and the focus is not just on the action. It looks like it will be a adventure fun to watch.

Sadly I guess the show costs more money than most of the other trash on Netflix these days so I would say the show is likely to be cancelled after one or two seasons because it will not be 100 quadrillion hours watched after the first 24 hours... #bringbackdisentchantment

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One of THE best productions of 2023.

  • I fired up the series with great scepticism, I’ve only watched one or two of the animated versions - while I understand that they hold a special place in many peoples hearts - I personally never really took the time to dive deep enough into them to appreciate the story…

Watching this… I think I get it now…

I watched every episode of the 2023 version on Netflix one after the other.

This is THE most heartwarming, heartbreaking, kickass, corny, beautifully crafted piece of cinematic storytellingI have watched in a very very long time. Through much of this, I had tears of laughter, joy, sadness, surprise and heartbreak.

Do not start this series until you have a full block of time to sit uninterrupted and enjoy every single minute of this. It’s much much more than a live version of what I thought was a corny anime about bashing and fighting. This story does that in a way that makes you fall in love with the heroes and the villains.

All with a straw hat…

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it is funny: all of bad comments are from people that didn't even bothered to watch it.
But those who watched the whole season have nothing but praise for the show. I am one of them.
Had my prejudices, thought it will suck, but in the end I am loving this show and can't wait for more.

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Excellent cast and good storytelling. As an OG fan, I liked that the storyline wasn't one to one with the manga or anime. It's a fresh take on a beloved classic that takes advantage of the medium it's been adapted into.

I personally loved that this show stayed true to the spirit of the story rather than the letter. So many other adaptations have failed precisely because they tried to replicate what was there before and couldn't live up to it because it was like swimming on a bike. It's just not meant to work like that. This adaptation did an excellent job of loving the story while actually adapting it for the reality of a live action. Kudos to the team, and I look forward to seeing more.

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I knew about One Piece but ever only saw one random anime movie that I thought was cool. This show was Amazing and I need more so I have now ventured into the anime series that will probably keep me occupied for the next couple of years trying to catch up

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I am so incredibly IN !! I can't wait to watch 40 more seasons of this ! (at least)
As a manga reader, this show was such a good refresher on the origins of the crew members so far, it just hits differently haha.
There are so so so many more cooler characters to introduce to the show omg ! with time and consistency this will 100% become the best dare I say series ever made.
btw, as a side note, the casting is 11/10. Luffy is literally Luffy ! and many of the other characters are so well done I actually can't believe it. Same thing with the world building.
Keep in mind that this is a Netflix live-action adaptation (and it doesn't feel like it), I think they did an Incredible job all around.

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Oh wow this was actually fun for me. Some of the dialogue and even the scenes were verbatim from the anime. And I FINALLY got my husband to watch one piece and all I could say was “I told you one piece was good!!” Lol if you haven’t watched the anime… welcome and enjoy the ride :laughing:

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This was a live action that does justice to the original. I like the fact that the live action doesn't tries to do "what would the characters do if it was real life" trick and stuck to the original. Characters were cast beautifully. Luffy was perfect so was ussop. The energy the cast brought was enchanting. I liked it.

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So much heart and soul! I'm not an anime fan so I went into this blind and I was thoroughly impressed. Looking forward to season 2!

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Translating an anime/manga to live-action isn't an easy thing to do; anime schticks just don't hit the same on a real person the way they do in anime series. Clearly the makers of this show were trying to find a good balance between staying loyal to the original, to a certain extent, while also adapting it enough that it was accessible as a live-action, I can see that. But, all in all, getting through the first episode is difficult. It is cringey seeing real people act like they're animated figures - the finishing move almost took ME out as well. Occasionally some of the supporting cast's acting drags you straight out of the story because it's not all great, but Iñaki/Mackenyu/Emily generally do a good job.

If you do manage to get past the initial cringe, it's entertaining, and at times actually incredibly wholesome. Luffy's can-do attitude and endless optimism (if at times slightly over the top) carries you through. It's worth watching if you realize what you're in for, keep an open mind, and most of all, don't take it too seriously.

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After watching two episodes, I find it difficult to tolerate the characters in this show. The casting and acting choices were way off, as none of the characters resemble their counterparts from the anime, except for Koby. I must say that he did a good job portraying his character.

However, I do appreciate the art direction in this show. The world looks really well-designed and visually appealing. It's just unfortunate that the poor casting and performance overshadowed this aspect. I will give the Japanese dub a try, hoping that the anime voice actors can save the show for me.

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As a forever fan of the manga, this truly felt like the spirit of One Piece, not some terrible 3rd rate story about the characters from it as most do now. Bravo Netflix, thank you for treating such a legendary work of art with respect.

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Overall One Piece's Live Action has the energy of the Anime. The scenarios are really good, The characters are overall visually well designed, but the expections are a huge stain in my opinion. The acting suffers from the same problem. Overall it is pretty good but the ones that are not good are really weird to watch.
If you like One Piece you are probably going to enjoy this Live Action (be aware that, like any adaptation, it has some differences from the original).

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