[1:50] Darlene: It's cool dude. We don't have to talk.

The camera rises up to reveal traffic cameras. Cue ominous Mr. Robot opening title.

From this moment on, the episode transforms into an unrelenting edge-of-your-seat heist thriller. Elliot and Darlene team up to hack into Whiterose's financial "heart."

No words spoken. Only text messages, terse writings on the paper, and facial expressions. Not a line of spoken dialog for 46 minutes.

This episode has so many spellbinding scenes. Continuous stairway shot in particular is most assuredly destined to be immortalized. Ensuing escape that follows is just raw.

Even the slow scenes, such as Krista buying groceries, Dominique doing investigation, Philip Price picking up messages -- are tense and meaningful, barely giving the audience much needed relief to breath.

Even without words, this episode brings an important turning point for Eliiot. He finally breaks down. He "tells" Darlene he's grateful. 100% Elliot.

And the finale is just sublime. It ends with bookend words.

[48:00] Fernando Vera: It's time we talked.

Simply brilliant.

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Sam "We don't need to talk, I throw my name in the bucket of "the best episodes of the year" without writing dialogues" Esmail

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One of the best episodes so far. It was very exciting and beautiful teamwork between brother and sister!

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One of the best episodes ever made! Amazing!

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Fucking diabolical.
He's in a good shape for a nerd though.

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I could watch Elliot running for hours :)))

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That shot where the camera pushes down and spirals through the red stairwell as Elliot and Darlene run was just chef's kiss.

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Guy is quick on the emojis jesus.

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Their teamwork was just awesome to watch. The entire episode was definitely more thrilling than most of the action movies I've seen. I just couldn't predict what was going to happen next. Probably the first time I liked being anxious.

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So... concept episode. No talking. Dialogue isn’t the strong suite of this season anyway.

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I watched this episode and thought "Hitchcock would be proud."

Then the credits rolled and I realized there was almost no dialogue for the entire episode and changed my thought to "Esmail is a boss."

Mr. Robot is not fizzling to a halt, it is firing on all cylinders and screeching into the station.

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Well, I guess I'm the only one who didn't find this episode THAT exciting.

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Fantastic, wonderful, thrilling, brilliant, edge of the seat stuff. But I still fucking hate Christmas.

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this counts as a christmas movie now

vera from the back: its XMAS bitch :christmas_tree:

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great hack as always. But there was way to much stuff going on, which does not made sense at all.

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best yet .thx for the work to everyone.:blush:

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damn son, are you kidding me? I was on the edge of my seat from the very beginning to the end. watching this episode again rn.

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elliot placing his hand on top of darlene's to show gratitude was so cute

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Besides the slowest typing I've ever seen, where Darlene can only enter data when the camera is pointing at her monitor, and the strange fact that Elliott, the non-exercising computer guy, can outrun cops who specifically train to catch runners, aside from all that, to me, this was one of the best episodes in the show.

The lack of dialogue completely highlighted the suspense, tension, and action of what was going on, and completely immersed me in the scenes, especially when Darlene tried to pass the cops in the lobby as if she just finished a workout; hearing that reverberating sound of breathing in panic mode was intense.

And in all the near-miss scenes, you can feel them holding their breath.

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There have been a few episodes of this show I rated a 10. This one, however, takes the cake. That last line of the episode was so good that I gasped and involuntarily got up out of my chair.
Absolute stellar work, some of the best television out there.

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This episode has everything (action,thrill and hacking) except Mr. Robot.
I guess they will merge all the story lines into one by the end of the season.
Hope I'll find a show as good as Mr Robot after it ends.

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This episode had everything (action,thrill and hacking) except Mr. Robot.

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What an absolute masterpiece of an episode.

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wow. the best episode. yes!

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absolutely a fucking masterpiece of episode.

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Not a single fucking dialogue WOw!

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Wow!! This episode literally had no dialogue and it was just perfect!

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This was one hell of an episode, I will miss this show a lot :(

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Well, this one more than made up for last week's pathetic waste of time by a factor of ten or so. Wow. I'm tired just from watching it. Sure, there were a few convenient/implausible moments along the way, but this was way too much fun to quibble too much over that.

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Honestly, if they don’t get an Emmy this season— then Fuck the Emmys.

This was fucking masterpiece. I’m breathless.

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Fantastic episode, one of the best!

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Fucking piece of art <3

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That running sequence was one of the best i've seen in a long time. I felt both tired and engaged while watching Elliot run through NYC

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this is why I'm still alive

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Incredibly exemplary in nearly every way. As usual, the side acting from the guest characters is outstanding, and the music really does its job in heightening the tension nearly every step of the way.

However, Dom's scenes do sideline the main story unnecessarily, and relieve a bit of the tension built up over the course of the episode rather than adding to or complimenting it.

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Horrible episode that actually put me to sleep.

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the vera story arc is useless

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It's cool, dude. We don't have to talk.


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Sure there was no talk but it was bland and so predictable that it was missing the original charm of Mr Robot. And idk but it's like watching another entirely different show all of a sudden and that feeling is increasing the more I watch.

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What a thrill this was. Slow and persistent burn until the eruption...

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Christ that was intense... I'm still sweating.

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Shout by Deleted

Amazing episode with almost no dialogue. Can't wait to see what happens in the rest of this season

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the running from cops sequence was ridiculous

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It’s time we talk. Wow.

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