This could be the beginning of a great show. Absolutely loved Oscar Isaacs performance in this first episode. His first 'dream' reminded me of Grand Budapest Hotel and that's a really good thing. As a Dutch guy the British accent doesn't bother me at all. With Ethan Hawke to spar with for Isaac I'm really enthousiastic to see where this goes.

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Really rough first episode I gotta say, probably the worst start of any of the MCU shows.
Marc is completely unlikeable and creeps me out.... The accent is weird.

They REALLY beat the whole Memory Loss // Waking up randomly thing to DEATH. It made the episode really drag along. They didn't even really do anything with the episode until the ABSOLUTE end.... I got the same amount of context and plot from watching the 2 minute trailer as I got from this 45 Minute episode.... They really did NOTHING with the plot in this episode that was not established in the trailer.

The tone for this show is so weird too.... and that AWFUL CGI........ and that GOD AWFUL ACCENT. Wtf is this.
If they're trying to portray mental illness, Legion did it x1000 better -_-

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yikes this was Percy Jackson meets Venom basically, with really bad CGI...

I really liked Oscar tho.

i hope it gets better!

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That was a strong first episode. Hooked me up front better than most of the Disney MCU shows. Aside from Loki, of course.

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Too much mystery to be enjoyable. Oscar's accent was distracting.

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Disney property referencing both Avatars. Never thought I'd live to see the day.

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Good first episode but the CGI was very shit and distracting.

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Cool start, those opening few scenes will be wet dream fuel for Quentin Tarantino

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I already liked Moon Knight and love Egyptian mythology so I could be biased but this was a fantastic start. Showing him in his suit to end it was a chef's kiss. Oscar Isaac and Ethan Hawke are insanely good actors as well. Please be a good run, pleasee.

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I know next to nothing about Moon Knight so totally along for the ride. Enjoyable first episode. Oscar Issac is a joy to watch as always.

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kind of felt like a long trailer

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So this is basically Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide, MCU edition... Gonna need a bit more than that to keep it interesting.

Also, is he going to keep up the terrible accent? Very distracting.

Edit: after all that threatening stuff, he... stayed at work, lol.

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the opening scene gave me the chills.

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Great start for this new MARVEL show. Oscar Isaac is delivering an amazing performance here.

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Oscar Isaac brings the heat as usual, covering up already lambasted CGI. I usually am not one to dig in on special effects, but here they are pretty distracting and when placed in the context of the MCU’s shoddy history with it, the car chase scene here sticks out like a sore thumb even amongst the franchise as a whole.

I enjoyed a good chunk of this episode. The focus on horror is a welcome change and the mystery feels very new to the MCU.

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Fantastic! Show, you did it again Marvel.

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Very cool set-up and imagery. Ready to see where this ride takes us.

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The most I have enjoyed from an MCU miniseries on Disney Plus since Loki. At this rate, it might end up being the best. I was not for sure about Ethan Hawke’s accent at first. Hopefully, I will adapt to it over time.

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Well that was exciting and refreshing! LET'S GO!!

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Off to a good start. A bit darker than i was expecting. Also a bit more madcap.

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Im so confused on what’s going on to be honest like so fucking confused. But I like Steven he’s funny I feel bad for him tho he’s as confused as me and it’s his life.

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I liked this a lot! Didn't expect to, but it was interesting and a pleasant surprise.

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Cool start! I have never heard of Moon Knight before this show and I can say I am intrigued to know more

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So refreshing to hear an American master a generic British/London accent that's not utterly ridiculous Dick Van Dyke or faux cut glass posh.
Interesting that it's mainly Americans that have a problem with his accent...

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This was a really great start to what I hope will be an even better series.

Gripers going on about about the CGI are being overly picky. It's fine.

Ethan Hawke's character is pretty interesting, with some clear nuance and it's nice to see a villain whose self-justification actually makes some sense in the MCU, unlike a certain purple panini-chinned Titan.

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Intriguing tone/world, but the first episode kinda feels busy rather than actually involving, maybe by our main character being so in the dark here (and the audience knowing slightly ahead of him). Isaac makes for a very appealingly frazzled lead though, with Hawke looking to match him in weeks to come.

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Few months back I read through an issue of Moon Knight, however I never really committed to subscribing to the current run of it because I felt like I'd just be a bit lost starting midway through such a complex character. I decided to read some of the original series on Marvel Unlimited and I fell in love. I still feel like I have MASSIVE gaps of knowledge with him but I am truly excited to see where this show goes and hope we see more of these characters. Oscar Isaac was amazingly well cast. Great first episode.

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As an avid Moon Knight comic fan. I approve. Looking forward to seeing the rest of this series. Great start.

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Fun episode, the time skips were very slick and the outfit is dope. Looking forward to seeing what the rest of the season holds.

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fun action set pieces... sorta interesting... oscar isaac doing dopey (like adam sandler in punch drunk love) is hilarious

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I know nothing about this character, I actually never heard of him before. Since this seems to be a new addition to MCU I hope I can watch this without that knowledge.

Soundtrack was really great.

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Good concept. Oscar Isaac is fantastic here. I have reservations as to how it will progress given Marvel writing as of late, but it seems decent at the moment.

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6.5/10 - Pretty confusing and quite unsettling (poor Steven!) but promising so far. I have no idea (/ background knoledge) about the story yet but it seems interesting. I hope it'll make much more sense soon though.

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I've no idea who or what Moon Knight is. I loved this first episode and I really like the actor who plays Steven.
I cannot believe Disney added 6 minutes of end credits.

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hearing that song in the background & the transition that happens when he falls asleep & wakes up was SO GOOD
loving this show so far

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I think it's one of the best pilots I've seen in a while. It's beautiful, and I love every part of it. I love how it feels like a bit of a slow burn, especially for a pilot. It does have a rewarding payoff though, which is why it's a slow burn and not a drag. Oscar Isaac is phenomenal and Ethan Hawke is unnerving. Love the visuals, love the score.

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70 | The British accent is a plus point for this first episode of Moon Knight. It fulfilled the expectation that this show gave from the trailer. Oscar Isaac's performance was enjoyable to watch. This episode did not try to be funny but it find its way to do it, so it didn't feel forced at all. Split's fans would be loving this series.


Rating: 69.71


P1: 1.2
P2: 1.2
P3: 1.4
P4: 1.5

Directors: Mohamed Diab

Favorite Characters

1.6: Oscar Isaac as Marc Spector, Steven Grant, Moon Knight
1.2: Ethan Hawke as Arthur Harrow
1.2: Lucy Thackeray as Donna
1.0: Peyvand Sadeghian as Pet Shop Owner
1.0: Alexander Cobb as J. B.
1.0: Saffron Hocking as Dylan

Written by Kornelius Harda Wicaksana

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a bit slow but seems interesting

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the wobbly shots in his apartment midway through were so disorientating i genuinely thought i was dizzy and incapable of seeing straight

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OMG he is just like me

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Could be a start to a comic mental universe similar to Legion... will wait an see...

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Ok, I'm intrigued. what's YOUR secret to seeing this content?

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when steven called avatar an anime i just

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This was good and I think the show has a lot of potential. Very interesting start.

Also avatar isn’t an anime Steven

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Two god of Egypt just be fired by Donna, cause too late for work:laughing:

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Couldn't bother to stay awake long enough to watch the first ep. Nothing in it was compelling.

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Has the classic generic Marvel look and feel. The chief protagonist is severely unlikeable. I believe Oscar Isaac is a brilliant actor who can do multiple personalities incredibly well. But from what I'm seeing, all this feels very familiar and overly done at this point.

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Marvel always find the easiest setups to justify the developments of its narratives. In this case, the story just get duller by the minute and I don't think Isaac can save it, he actually gets worse lines to work with by the end. Why can't they just make good sensible narratives.

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Venom but he’s a little sleepy

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If this was a 12 or even 10 episode season instead of just six I would say you could get away with a slow setup episode like this that did nothing for the story. His accent is awful and had to turn on subtitles just understand any of the dialogue. For me it was one of the worst starts to a marvel series.

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Well this was a annoying and stupid episode where very little happens.

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