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Manifest: Season 2

2x02 Grounded

I'm not too sure how I feel about Olive's storyline. It seems like pointless filler that will hold no importance other than to potentially hook her up with Maxine and as a tool to have her do something, to have some focus on her as she is one of the main characters, all because she's now the only one in the family who doesn't have Callings. I hope it has some sort of positive, worthwhile pay-off, in the end, preferably resulting in her having Callings too. I don't see any other significant, worthwhile conclusion to whatever's going on with her. Now that Grace is having them, for whatever reason, Olive is being left out, and I hope the main purpose of her storyline is to result in that no longer being the case. Simply used as a plot device to give her a romantic partner would be immensely disappointing. I hope that route of things won't be taken. At the very least, I hope that won't be the only reason for this storyline of hers.

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Jared just sealed his coffin and proved that he will never be with Michaela now after how he has treated 2 people badly with callings and didn't believe her. Stupid Jared.

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I think that Michaela's new partner is a plant.

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I'm only watching it to see if Ben and Saanvi end up together. Other than that the story is not interesting at all.

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I predicted Jared would mention Zeke as soon as he was shown. Thank god, Michaela was given a new partner though. Why would he think she wants to work or be with a guy who never listens ?
He also of course thinks a kid who got calling is a killer. Despite Ben saying otherwise.

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Michaela was acting like Jared with that kid’s case. She didn’t want to give him any grace, so with Zeke she was all in, but with this kid she was so suspicious. And I get being cautious but she was so ready to give up on him just cause Jared didn’t believe him. Also why would she said it was an anonymous tip? All she needed to say was that she found the other key card and when confronting the guard he acted suspicious, so anonymous tip about what?
And Saanvi is dumb telling everything about her research to her therapist, even if the therapist wasn’t the major, just out of common sense you don’t share classified scientific information with someone else.
And you can tell Grace is excited to be in the callings club (lame) and I don’t get why Olive would go to that church when she has three returned relatives and knows they aren’t celestial or magical.

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Dude Oli mayb lesb i Don’t know

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