I'm not gonna lie, the ending felt so cheesy I was scared for a sec that it would be a dream lmfao. But I guess it just went well :)

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Shout by vanesa
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-06-07T20:50:53Z— updated 2022-06-13T01:25:11Z

This is the first "Love, Victor" we heard in the show if I'm not mistaken? Had me smiling not gonna lie. Really happy the coming out at school went well (for now at least) and Benji and Victor are cute together.
I'm not really invested in Mia's storyline so far unfortunately. But what I loved and it was probably my favorite moment was Pilar giving the money to Felix. They had fun but very few moments together last season and I was hoping we get more of their friendship and here we go - more of this and more Pilar in general please!!

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I'm sorry but this show is so cheesy and awkward! Why would he stand in the middle of the halfway and announce it like that lmao. He could've just kissed him or something. The people who wrote this have not gone to highschool lol. I'm not the target audience for this and I keep watching because I feel like it has its heart in the right place but this is hilarious bordering on ridiculous.

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My little gay heart smiles. :heart:

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