This episode was amazing. Great animation and excellent story had me hooked till the very end.

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Not a fan of the art style but damn, that story and twist was good! I was not expecting that.

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Oh this was a Fincher thing? No wonder it was this good. One of my favourites of the entire show. So gory and dark and explicit. Loved it!

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Shout by ༒SCALETTA༒
BlockedParent2022-05-20T22:58:29Z— updated 2023-01-16T04:28:01Z

This episode should have been a movie, Fincher never disappoints.

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My favorite of the season. The animation is incredibly beautiful.

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This episode was SO good! Would have watched a movie based on this, really enjoyed it. The animation, voice acting and story were all phenomenal.

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If this was a show I would watch it every week. Very good!

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Really low on love and robots but super high on death

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So gross and creepy.... I loved it!

David Fincher, to my surprise, should do more H. P. Lovecraft-like stories.

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another great episode, There is few great episodes in this show and this one of them

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A tense and superb episode. Despite us as the viewers following his story, even we aren't privy to the main character's motivations. Brilliantly done

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...and then he got to the island and found himself surrounded by thousands of crustacean monsters. Oop.

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This was a great one (despite having nothing to do with love or robots). Very Return of the Obra Dinn!

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This one was PHENOMENAL, probably my favorite story-wise and animation-wise. The animation was gorgeous, I could watch a whole movie or series or video game in this style. The story was interesting, compelling, and kept me guessing the whole way through. I feel like it could have been set in our own ocean just as easily, and it still would have made sense, but perhaps the ending wouldn't have happened the way it did otherwise. Torrin is a hero, though perhaps for the wrong reasons, and boy, I still cannot ever recognize Troy Baker when I hear him, which I guess speaks to his talent as a voice actor. I also feel like it didn't need all the gore that it had; the torso being puppeted around would have been more than enough, and all the little extra flourishes like heads being speared and eyeballs being popped out were just because they could because the series was already TV-MA. But maybe the gruesomeness helped convey how dire the situation was, I don't know.

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This one got a lot of praise beforehand and while I can see where that is coming from, I don't necessarily share it. At least not to that extent. I liked it though.

The set up and atmosphere were perfectly creepy and effective. There was a dreadful and eerie feeling from the get go, that made it easy to immerge yourself into the story.

Troy Baker is also excellent as the main character.

The animation of the backgrounds is fine, I was however not the biggest fan of the character design. It felt too much like a video game to me (not one of the best ones, I might add) and they all looked quite similar with weird expressions and display of emotions.

The story is fine but overall a tad too generic.

The episode as a whole works well as a nice little horror short (that actually had moment that reminded me of Little Shop of Horrors).

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David Fincher never disappoints! And Troy Baker was incredible as well!

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Leave it to Fincher to make such a gross, gorey and dark episode. The animation was excellent.

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i wish i could give 11 hearts to this. incredible. and in the end "directed by david fincher". it makes total sense.

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The visuals and animations are definitely beautiful, but logically a bit unsound and decision-wise of the captain and members, not the best.

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A superb episode, well above the standard of the rest. Dark, gritty, gory, and logically presented and paced. Don't get me wrong, I like the whole series, even if S3E1 was a bit of a woke turd.

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[Netflix] The series aims to (and manages to) reach its climax in a story directed by David Fincher and written by Andrew Kevin Walker ("Seven"). It is, along with "The drowned giant" one of the best hyper-realistic animations by Blur Studio that shows how high the aspirations of this series have come. But the dark atmosphere and the way these petty characters are framed shows that it is, indeed, at a higher level.

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This Episode was really good, the Animation was beyond amazing..I agree with some of the people in the comments I would of loved to see a Full Movie.

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the best ep of the series

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