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Season 2

Holy crap! I can't believe a Marvel project in 2023 could be THIS AMAZING! I don't want to inhale too much 'hopium' just yet, but this show has genuinely sparked a tiny hint – a smidgen – of hope and excitement for the future

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I was shocked at how good this season was. The beginning had some clarity problems and was kinda hard to follow, but they did an excellent job overall.
I know people have a gut instinct to hate anything Marvel puts out anymore, but this is genuinely the best thing they've made since Endgame. So much excitement and mystery with an amazing plot, and great effects.

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Without a doubt one of the best thing Marvel's ever created, This is what Marvel should be.

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The best Marvel series without a doubt, dares with science fiction concepts and crowns Loki as king of time.

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Finally, a show that has a coherent beginning and ending aligned with its initial message. It's a relief not to have to wait for three years (and hope for one or two strikes) to witness a story that starts and concludes sensibly, with character evolution consistent with the storyline. Loki (despite a few minor flaws) is a small masterpiece in the vast arid desert that the last two phases of the MCU have been.

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Mediocre season that still manages to outshine that disaster of the first. Especially in the second half, we reach a quite satisfying level thanks to the addition of science fiction dynamics and time loops that despite being derivative manage to bring a touch of freshness within the MCU context. A real pity about the second and third episodes, where the narrative gets lost in unnecessary subplots and McDonald's product placements, thus stealing precious time from the main storyline. The overall result feels rushed and unbalanced. Characters like Brad and Lysa Arryn could have been entirely omitted to focus on the rest.

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4 episodes of convoluted plot, technobabble and emotional detachment, 2 episodes of essentially what I was hoping for... makes for a very ambivalent season to be honest.

Yes, I liked where this show's Loki ended up - but I didn't like the way they arrived at that point.

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See you again Loki :')

From a villain, to a hero.
Wanted the throne, and got the throne.

"For you. For all of you."

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Loki is just carrying the MCU on its back with this second season. This is what you get when you let a show runner have a clear vision and leave them the space to execute that vision, and with the entire creative team and actors bringing it their all. This season looks great, has an intriguing story that makes you want to keep coming back, and provides one of the single best episodes of comic book television history in its finale. Loki is so clearly now one of the most well-developed characters in the entirety of the MCU and this was such a PERFECT ending to his arc. So in love with where they took things by the end, I was blown away.

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Loved it...

Complete... Including Norse Law..

Will be rewatching this again...

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While the season seemed to be going well, everything suddenly went back to square one in the finale. In fact, nothing has changed in general. It is obvious that the season was shot in a forced way. That's why I didn't like it.

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Finally, a show that has a coherent beginning and ending aligned with its initial message. It's a relief not to have to wait for three years (and hope for one or two strikes) to witness a story that starts and concludes sensibly, with character evolution consistent with the storyline. Loki (despite a few minor flaws) is a small masterpiece in the vast arid desert that the last two phases of the MCU have been.

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Okay this is starting to get boring real fast. The show has quality but it doesn't have time does that make sense :interrobang:.
It feels like it needs a lot of longer runtime to flesh things out because episodes end abruptly and the next one we're back to slow pacing then fast paced at the end.

Why doesn't it take time to make the plot converge instead of giving us sudden ending with shock value moments at the end of each episode and return uselessly to building the same kind of ending the next episode ?!!! Like wtf :joy:.

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I feel like they had material to do such better things this season...
The finale is dissapointing.

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I might be speaking prematurely, but the second season already seems better than the first.

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Horrible. Just horrible. What a waste of money and talent. I'm finally done with Marvel shows - Loki was my last hope.

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Incredible VFX, stunning visuals and very great work

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That was a well paced, well acted, decently CGI'd TV show that somehow I couldn't care less about. Supremely watchable but I just never invested. Somehow I was more invested in Season 1 and I think this might be a slight bump in quality. Maybe. Arguably. They're both very very solid seasons of TV. This one even has an excellent ending

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This is basically five episodes of people running aroung looking for MacGuffins and ignoring everything that made season one great (the characters) because they have to explain the mechanics of the multiverse (which I don’t give a fuck about - the mechanics, the multiverse is fine, I guess). Sophia Di Martino barely registers her presence; Owen Wilson has got the best emotional moment of the season in the finale but basically nothing else to do; Jonathan Majors is funny, the scene in which he opens the big door for the first time is really funny and Timely kinda has a decent arc but now he’s gone; Tom Hiddleston does his best. There’s some nice moments, Benson and Moorehead inject some visual creativity that was the biggest thing lacking from season 1, the final episode is really good, the ending works but… I don’t know…

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The humor was good.
General storyline perhaps better than season 1...
But again multiverse timetravel etc.
Too bad Loki was used as set up for this story line.
Plus it means that Avengers are also setup to go for time travel again. Sigh.
So done with Marvel.

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I gave up after two episodes. The first season was awful, and this didn’t start out any better. That said, it has an 80% rating here so when I’m bored I might give another couple of episodes a try.

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Absolutely in love with how the Loki saga ended. Especially with the ending where Loki has to come to terms with certain things. “There is no comfort, you just choose your burden”. Plus, the final shot of Mobius standing in front of his own house waiting for time to pass him by. Just chills

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Mildly entertaining and better than S1, but still middle of the road for me.
Not mad I watched it, but I feel it will drift from memory quickly.

Because this is better than most of the other Marvel series, it would be easy to overrate it.
I think a 7 is a perfect fit.

Tom Hiddleston > Script

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Is it the best Marvel
series, absolutely not,
not even in the top 3
is season 2 of Loki
better than season 1,
Yes definitely.
Even though season I
Had a clear EndGame
in sight right the way
through i had a much
better time with season 2
even though i had
no idea what was
going on and nothing
made any sense
(Just a lot of
Season 2
Had outstanding
performances especially
from Jonathan Majors
tge vfx were remarkable
and the pacing of
season 2 was so much
better than that boring
lacklustre season 1.
The ending was definitive
and with no
Intentions on a
season 3
I'll be interested to
see what impact this
End has going forward
with the movies within
(if it matters at all).

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So, I'm not a big fan of the Loki TV show. I thought Season 1 was hella mediocre and that it did Loki a disservice. As for Season 2, well, it's fine. However, I gotta give props to Season 2 because the difference in content, creativity and scale is just absurd. I like, and respect, that the writing team committed to doing something else. To pick up a mid work and turning into something that actually makes you engaged and think. There's obviously a lot of problems, and this season could've benefited from staying in the writers room for another year, but it proves that Marvel can still cook something interesting and worth people's time. Why can't their movies be more like this?

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Spectacular ending to this season! Still not quite sure where this leaves Loki? Maybe one more season to see where it leads us. :thumbsup_tone1: :thinking:

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Shout by Mani D

Ending really cleans up the whole story of S2. Unfortunately, until you get to the last episode, all of S2 feels like a throwaway story. like they needed some random thing to happen to keep Loki busy. Once we get to the end, we realize all of it is connected to the ending of S1. It's actually really good if it were released as a whole season of 12 episodes instead of being cut in half. S2 by itself is lackluster in comparison to S1, but together they make a great show that is leagues ahead of the other Phase 4 & 5 entries.

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I liked the second season just as must as the first, but I'm still kind of disappointed by the finale. Jonathan Majors was great, like most of the cast (except Sylvie, so done with her). It's a shame that he's most likely to be recast. It's the right thing to do if he did what he did, but still, it's a shame. I can also see them abandoning the whole Kang-storyline. This ending makes it easy to say: "Kang variants are being dealt with by the TVA andddd... moving on."

Loki is one of the few movies/shows that really pushed the Multiverse narrative forward and made me somewhat hopeful for the future of the MCU. Yet, with everything going on it's still one big question mark. Which leaves me with a bad aftertaste for this solid show, because it has nothing to do with the show in itself.

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