Perfect end to Loki Season 1. Some may find the amount of talking in the episode excessive - but this was not about fighting a big bad (that was last episode). Loki has always been about self discovery, believing in yourself, and most importantly, Growth. I found all the conversations in the episode riveting. I've seen some believe that the actor in the reveal is hamming it up too much - I personally loved that performance. So much heavy lifting for the future of the MCU is done here, from Dr. Strange, Spider-Man, Ant-Man, and maybe Secret Wars? Love it.

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That was it? You ramped up all this action and battle in episodes 4 & 5 then finish off with a comedy talk show about the end of the world. What a letdown.

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You don’t have to wait for the after credits it just says Loki will return in season 2

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Marvel Trolls 2 months ago: "Why does it always end in a big dramatic fight? So formulatic unhhhh..."

Marvel Trolls today: "unhhhhhhh so boring so much talking no fight geez this is so boring. Multiple timelines soooo stupid."

But mark my words, you'll see all of them still posting about every show and movie for the next few decades.

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god damn, The growth of Loki throughout this series has been an amazing thing to watch. Well done writers

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We're in the Endgame Multiverse now.

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All those great audio clips from Marvel movies and from history… and they just had to add Greta Thunberg.. why?

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MULTIVERSE :clap: OF :clap: MADNESS :clap: I :clap: AM :clap: HYPE :clap: AS :clap: FUCK :clap:

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Superb finale. Majors Immortus (not Kang (yet)) was spot on for me, the guy is clearly quite nuts; as you would be if you'd been living alone at the end of time for eternity.

Am stoked for season 2. These Marvel shows have all been great so far but I think Loki has been my favourite overall.

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It was inevitable with the way the show progressed that there would need to be a giant exposition dump at some point. Kind of bad that it ended up being 90% of the last episode. I don't think it was done very well at all. It wasn't the actor's fault that his introduction was giving an exposition dump, but I don't think he performed it well.

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Wow. Loki, it's in final episode of the season, completely upends the entire MCU in a way that it's not only relevant but also genuinely shocking and inspired. It's also a fitting ending to the story arc of the season, one based around the ideas of free will, agency, determinism, and identity - so it makes the main culprit of the TVA ends up being a man whose very fear of the free will of his own variants is what drives the acts of the show. Jonathan Majors steals the show here as "He Who Remains", though comics fans will know him more as the legendary Kang the Conqueror, who is clearly being set up as the next big bad of the MCU post-Thanos, and if his range and performances going forward are as good as here I can't wait.

The rest of the episode is equally as fantastic as well. Sylvie's arc comes to a clever and satisfying wrap up with tantalizing implications for the next season, Renslayer is being setup as a major player going forward, and the ending itself being an absolute killer cliffhanger. Top tier stuff from a top tier show.

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Compared to other two Marvel shows (WandaVision and Falcon and The Wintersoldier) Loki is purely superb!

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This is everything I wanted. I thought it was him but I didn’t think they’d Debut such a massive character in one of the TV shows but the show is about time travel so Of course it’s him! Wow!

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The best MCU show not named 'Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.', the finale wasn't perfect from a narrative standpoint but it's easily the most satisfying ending we could have gotten. Proves the Mephisto problem right, while bringing in a villain behind the curtain in the final episode does respect the fans, it was dissappinting to see Loki reduced to a passenger in the final episode of his titular show. Atleast 'Loki' had the writing behind it not to abandon his character arc in the final episode unlike in 'Wandavision' (zero consequences) or 'FalconATWS' (rushed). Majors is incredible as the variant and the ending was an excellent reveal. Very excited for Season 2 and Majors to show up in future films!

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Who is Thanos?

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The conclusion of this episode was seriously up in the air for almost the entire 30 to 40 mins. I seriously didn't know how it was gonna end. There were some surprises along the way, like, I wasn't expecting Kang the Conquerer to play 'He Who Remains', so that was pretty neat but apart from all the mystery within this episode, the ending left me with my mouth open and also made me slightly annoyed as it left it with such a serious cliffhanger of an ending

The mid-credits part letting us know there is a 2nd season saved it for me, I felt relief when I read that

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Forget Thanos, forget the battle of New York, forget Wanda's different reality, forget the Civil war, forget the Ant man's Quantum world...... These Loki(s) made it to the freakin' End of Time!

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Another disappointing MCU season finale. Even though there wasn't the mandatory big fight, it was mostly an exposition dump and more multiple timelines mumbo jumbo.

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What a bad script... It's just lazy writing! Loki and Sylvie sit down and ask, not the questions that the characters would do, but specific questions so that the public understands everything right. And the bad acting, from the entire cast (except Wunmi Mosaku, in my opinion)... What an uncomfortable episode.

About the surprise, I love Jonathan Majors , but here he feels unnatural, exaggerated. I'm sure he will improve with time, 'cause his acting is usually top-notch and Marvel often recognizes its mistakes. Sadly, this entire episode and the choices made for the closure were a mistake. There were so many ways to go, but this feels just rushed.

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Wow a boring end to an overall weak show. Sylvie was the highlight of the whole thing has always.
Feel like I've just wasted my time watching the culmination be an over the top, hammy character that doesn't belong on modern TV. Really irritating.

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I don’t get all the hate for this show. I thought it was great. I’m not surprised at all that Loki is so full of himself that the only one he could fall for his a variant of himself. Brilliant! this is also a great setup for the MCU and possibly more? Love it!

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What an utter waste of a fantastic character.

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I enjoyed the finale a lot, even if on paper it shouldn't have worked: an episode where about half of it is listening to a monologue setting up backstory of and updated MCU status quo from a new character/villain going forward.

But man, Jonathan Majors. I liked him well enough in recent prominent turns from two films (The Last Black Man in San Francisco and Da 5 Bloods) and one series (Lovecraft Country), but now it's clear that his real talent lies outsides of those film's straight (often leading) man roles, and in being a colorful character actor instead. He totally makes that long stretch work with his restless scenery-chewing and offbeat charisma.

Great casting, because with the wrong actor I would have found this finale too much a dry exposition-fest setting up both next season and MCU's new phase, even if the episode contains some of the season's most striking imagery (in a series full of them) and a brilliant last scene. Also very much enjoyed Hiddleston having fun with this signature role throughout.

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I was so relieved to see there'll be a season two!

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Marvel couldn't really make sense of it everything. Loki started promising but at the end it might be the worst of these new series by far. Of course, they have to use this for their "bigger purpouse".

I guess it just isn't my thing, and if it yours, great. But I'm just saddened to think this could really inspire new writers in a bad way. Don't take this series as an example of how to create something meaningful, and do take care of the scripts you are using, don't just write cool stuff, and take time to make sense of your "universe". Don't just write it as you go along.

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It started good at least. Glad it's finished.

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We have been surprised by what they say, they have been brave. We assume that this ending will have repercussions in the Marvel universe.

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What an ending of a true masterpiece season 1.

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Big mess to try to clean up in the future!

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You gotta be kidding me.

It's cliffhangers all the way down.

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is it a good thing if you are more confused at the end than before the season started?

This is the problem with time travel, it reduces the dramatic stakes.

Who is telling the “truth”. What they think is the truth that is.

Yikes. More confused than ever.

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what the fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk i am heartbroken

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Poor Loki </3

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Magnificent [ betrayal ] indeed. It was a great finale.

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- Miss Minutes, you scared me!
- How did they find normal, human Judge Renslayer?
- He's just a dude chilling at the end of time
- He knows everything, okay
- So, he removed free will by removing all other timelines because he fears his variants will cause a multiversal war, again
- Terrible means to justify good ends
- Loki! The voice of reason!
- Romance!
- RIP Loki's heart
- This show is just a prequel to Marvel's "What If?" isn't it?
- NOOO, Owen Wilson!

Well, I just saw the season finale of Marvel's "Loki"—what do I think? I'm glad we got answers, but there are many vague ideas like free will, one's purpose and chaos that I don't know what the show is trying to say about them. Anyway, this episode might be my least favourite, just because it's a lot of exposition, but it worked for me way better than the end of WandaVision and Falcon and Winty, so no complaints! This season finale is a bit unsatisfying, but I can't wait for Season 2! "Loki" is my favourite MCU series so far and I recommend it!

SCORE: 7/10

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Jonathan Majors , love the dude, but that performance was godawful. He kinda reminded me of Jesse Eisenberg in Batman V Superman

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what a disappointing finale to a show that has been mostly lacklustre. Loki and Syvie spent most of it sitting down and talking which doesn't exactly make for an exciting episode. some questions were answered, but we were still left with more questions than answers. the reveal of Kang as the one behind the TVA was expected but was still underwhelming for several reasons. not once was he referred to as Kang, he wasn't wearing his iconic armour from the comics and the actor playing him came across as too jovial when Kang should be menacing.

oh well, Loki and Syvie finally kiss, so at least the shippers will be happy

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Shout by Mateusz

Honestly this episode could have been condensed into 5 or 10 minutes. Too much talking and just in general nothing really going on until the end, and then we get a predictable plot twist. I mean just a bad season finale. It just sprinkles enough at the end to keep you interested for the second season. Unless season two is better, this show ain’t worth it at all. But on the other hand I’m tired of waiting for the second season every damn time. It used to be that the pilot is supposed to hook you. And don’t get me started how much of a scam 6 episodes in one season is.
Overall this episode was just meh, which doesn’t make it look very good since it’s the season finale.

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Oh, thank god no big stupid fight with the Bad guy. A breath of fresh air. I wish similar thing would have happened in WandaVision.

Almost perfect final episode. Except for Rick Sanchez He Who Remains choice of... let's call it attitude. Don't get me wrong positively surprised that he wasn't your typical bad guy, but it didn't quite work for the MCU too joyful and too similar to your average Marvel character in general. Maybe if he actually looked bored or tired that would have worked better. This way Ant-man villain could still feel different by being menacing this time around. But anyway it was a great MCU show I'm looking forward to season 2.

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Unbelievable! What utter crap. Boring, boring, boring and finally a crappy ending. Talk about taking a interesting character and totally ruin it. Hollywood, please get rid of the useless woke and clueless writers!

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Absolutely loved the episode from beginning to end, but when Kang the Conqueror/He Who Remains finally appears, isn't he initially just describing Counterpart's (an amazing series with J.K. Simmons, from 2017, I think) plot?

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Shout by AJ

Oh, good. The old "he went into an alternate reality" plot twist. How original, we have never seen such a thing in any movie or show before. Sigh...

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Very nicely done, that ending is perfect and feels like the usual marvel/tva antics.

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ah... that's it? Feels like even more of a letdown than the rest of the wacky writing... Where are the themes... Why is the final talky confrontation shot in such a boring way.......

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Ok, for a show that has so many wonderful characters and "glorious purpose," this season closure was just bad.

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he who remains just being a guy who eats a lot of apples is so good istg

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Nice! I loved the audio/voice references to other Marvel content at the beginning (quite cool but I didn't recognize/remember some) and the space CGI effects looked awesome (I also liked the CGI/animation from the timepad of "He Who Remains").

It wasn't the ending I was expecting / hoping for but it was actually better since I wasn't expecting a second season. However, after Mobius didn't remember Loki anymore (sad moment) I was extremely sure that there must be a second season (duh). And the post end credits scene just confirmed that.

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ok anyway

this probably feels like a weak finale to a lot of people because it isn't written like a finale? personally as someone who hates really unbearable cliffhangers, i liked it. it wrapped up enough that if through some unfortunate series of events season 2 never happened i could be content with it, and it left enough open ended to continue into a second season as promised. it was nowhere near as intense or mind blowing as previous episodes were but it served a purpose which is more than i can say for a lot of tv finales out there.

most heartbreaking moment though? definitely mobius reacting to loki at the end.

also putting my most trash opinion as far down as possible: why is tom hiddleston 10000x more attractive wearing that leather harness

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I liked it.

Got some Angstrom Levy / Rick Sanchez vibes in there.

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This episode was gold, they really made something good out of this!

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I love / hate this episode...
It was great yet kind of an underwhelming at the same time... There were cool moments & concepts put out, but as a season closer it left the narrative feeling incomplete. After such an epic build up and all that momentum, I kind of expected more shocking revelations.

Too much of this episode was "The One Who Remains" (Couldn't even use his name for some fan service, smh) explaining what the TVA is even though we've had it BEATEN INTO US FOR THE WHOLE SEAON, which felt like a HUGE waste of screen time... They only added in small bits of info we didn't know, making the dialog derivative.

This episode just felt like promo for Season 2 & the new Doctor Strange movie then it did a finale of this season... "STAY SUBSCRIBED TO D+ PLEASE!".

I'm giving it a 9 cus I enjoyed it and the MCU and the story will continue, but at the same time they could have closed off this season much cleaner.

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i ended up with more questions than answers, which is both good and bad. it does set up the next season well but it left me pretty unsatisfied about the loose ends in this season. whatever, i came here for tom hiddleston and he did Not disappoint.

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I'm so happy. I love (CENSORED) a lot more than Thanos.

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Did I just see the resemblance of the last scene when Loki comes back and meets Mobius with the last scene from BTTF Part II?

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The intro, just pure genius

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The final definitely set the next 10-15 years of MCU with the new big bad guy after Thanos. This episode wasn't about fights and endings, it was all about setting up the new era of MCU. Get ready as everything is possible now with multiverse at hand.

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What a terrible ending for a decent show :pensive:

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all i'm gonna say is that the kiss was unnecessary

also wtf was that ending lmao

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Jonathan Majors is as good as he is annoying and that is pretty good lol. Everything is so black and white though. I would have been more surprised if the villain was Asian.
Plus the ending is like the Planet of the Apes remake. Not exactly sure how I feel about it.

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I have to say this was a good chapter, a good season finale, but nothing i didnt expected. Kang being the mastermind behind the ATV was something everyone was talking about since chapter 4 aprox, and even at some point of the show i knew loki os Silvye were going to screw the timeline so no surprise at all. Anyway it was a good way to explain the multiverse and how it works, introducing Kang as the new thanos probably. I only hope they make Kang the conqueror look more like comics, even when its probably hard to adapt, the actor doesnt inspire respect or fear at all, and even when it probably has to do with the fact that in this episode he was a "good" Kang, a intimidating alien look can make it much better.

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The best MCU show by far so far. Looking forward to season 2!

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There are some fun and interesting beats, and the concept is really great but for a six episode show there are a lot of problems. A lot of it feels like filler when we have these long boring conversations while people stand in front of Star Wars prequel like backgrounds, dumping exposition and it never fully amounts to much, more so kind of hints at things. Although with the reveal that there will be a season 2 it does sort of alleviate those criticisms.

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