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Loki: Season 1

1x03 Lamentis

This is the most character driven thing the mcu has put out and it’s amazing, not too much action but when there is it’s really cool. Episodes keep getting better!

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lowkey, doctor who vibes. the vibes really remind me of like. those early days of the doctor who revival and the apocalyptic episodes.

the bonding time we get with Sylvie this ep was really great, and to see the differences and similarities between the two as well.

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Despite being quite good with excellent chemistry. This episode ended more abruptly than the others. I expected Owen Wilson to pop up or something.
It was 52 minutes but felt shorter than that to me for some reason.

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Probably my fav ep so far. I love some twin bonding time :sparkling_heart:

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Chaotic bisexual "twins" from different universes is exactly the kind of time shenanigans I never knew I needed in my life.

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Am I the only one who thought they were gonna make Loki fall in love with himself or in this case herself? I mean that's one way of showing his narcissistic personality.

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GOD, chaotic bisexual variant loki twins is my vibe now.

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Amazed that this episode has been received so well... It was a complete change of tone, and not in a good way. Felt like a cheap episode of Doctor Who.

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Loki as a Doctor Who episode with a bigger budget. Not bad.

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An entire episode spent looking for a battery charger. On a completely uninteresting planet. Populated with humans. Not humanoids. Just plain humans. No discussion of why fem-Loki is doing the shit she's doing. They're literally in the exact same position when the episode started and when it ended except now they know the TVA authority goons aren't necessarily created which, I felt, was something they already hinted at some time ago. The "single shot" scene was garbage with so much overtly obvious CGI and actors reacting to things clearly not visible

This episode was entirely a waste of time. Which is a bad thing when there's only six of them

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This episode doesn't seem to be connected to the greater story at all, but is more like a sidestory where we learn more about Sylvie. Considering there are only 6 episodes in this season, I thought it would be all about the main story, all the time.

That being said, I think it's probably my favourite episode so far! The chemistry between the Lokis is fun, we get some good character moments from both of them, and the (quite isolated) stakes are ramped up just about as high as they can get. The ending leaves a lot to be desired, considering it leaves us without a resolution (or even a cliffhanger), but I guess that kind of makes me wonder what will happen to our dynamic duo in the next episode.

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Episode 1 & 2 awesome..
Sort Disney but episode 3 bored rigid. I may risk one more but if anything like episode 3 then I’m out!

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"A bit of both." I'm SCREAMING. :sob::two_hearts:

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I dont know why i put this episode a 6 cause its not that good really. First and second one were really good but this was just so meh

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The graphics are just incredible

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This episode was overall better than the last two, a bit more consistent, though I feel like Loki’s powers are completely inconsistent now that he can finally use them. Sometimes he can do something, other times he can’t do something. It all feels a bit iffy, and overall he seems so underpowered (in the show so far in general) which irks me, because that doesn’t seem like the Loki we’ve come to know in the movies. But I’m curious to see how this will continue.

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“Where do you have it hidden??”
“In my heart”
The kind of sass I came here for.

Also how he opens the door and lets her in first.

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Some good developments here, definitely appreciate them confirming Loki as bi. But parts of it felt slow or fillery.

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Ok now, I love the pacing of the show. Now we have time to know more about Sylvie and she's so charming. I sense a very tragic story for her and what an arc for Loki so far.

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The episode was shit. All the Disney plus shows are. They were supposed to be better than agents of shield. Bigger budget doesn't assure better content. Dissatisfied.

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I must be one of the few who gets nothing out of this show. I think it's boring, unfunny, I don't like Loki (either one) and quite frankly I don't like the whole concept of the TVA.

But, hey, it's allright. Not everything is for everyone.

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Shout by Aars

Disney+ saw I was tired of those bottle episodes of Mobious and Loki chatting non stop about the same stuff over and over again, so they gave me half a bottle episode of Loki and Loka in a train talking about love... :/
Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with the characters sitting in a room talking about deep meaningful stuff, but 80% of this show has been Loki having talks with Mobious, and Loki sitting, maybe Tom has knee problems and can't stand for a long time. And it's like guys hurry, we have 6 episodes, do something.
But apart from that I think this was the best episode so far, it gave me star wars vibes and that was good.
That twist about the TVA agents actually being variants that got their mind wiped clean and are working against their will is so interesting! but I don't know how they are gonna solve that in 3 episodes, but I'm in!

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Still frustrating. There's a lot of excess to be trimmed. how many shots of them walking across the landscape do we need to hammer in the point that they're walking. The world destroying action sequence which keeps pausing rather than building up tension. I feel that feeling of when you're reading an overly long book and you start skimming super fast to see how the plot develops

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Everything's fine up to this point in the series, the only thing I question is the fact that the alien races in this show are human-like, there are no colored humanoids like in Guardians of the Galaxy, or even in Thor Ragnarok.

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This time the interactions between the two Variants was a lot more interesting. So Loki like to basically fall for himself.

Nothing much else in the episode though. The running around meteors was way over the top, specially as it just conveniently happens only when and where the plot needs it.

The TVA is lying to its employees. Well, not surprising from a huge secret organization that intends to dictate what the whole history of the universes is supposed to be.

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Why are the soldiers even fighting after the destruction has already begun?

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8.5/10 - Absolutely lovely. I feel like Tom Hiddleston should definitely get some award for his great performance. I also loved the Cyberpunk flair.

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Just a small question, because it confused me: Sylvie mentions that “of all the apocalypses saved on that TemPad, this is the worst!” and then says that “no one makes it off here!” so why were they both surprised when the shuttle blew up?!

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Shout by Reiko LJ

Loved the dynamic and shenanigans this ep. Could have taken or left Loki before this show. Too much back and forth good and bad but it's given me a better appreciation for sure.
And I'd be remiss not to mention how much I enjoyed the casualness of the bisexuality reveal. That's how it's done. More Sylvie please!

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