If only Clayne Crawford would've had as much character development in real life as his character on this show, then they wouldn't have had to murder him like that... Kinda sad.

Not sure if I'd be interested in a season after all this but this was good as long as it lasted.

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I was under the impression this episode was in par with the typical season finally "shock" episode and season 3 starting with Riggs coming back from a long recovery but after some of the comments and a quick search I'm guessing this is not the case. I didn't even know ish was brewing in the background. I didn't have high hopes for this show at first because I didn't really see Wayans as anything other than silly comedy and wasn't familiar with Riggs but this show became one of my favorite. I'm sad...I really liked Rigg's character and thought he would have been around for a long time.
All my shows are falling apart... first Abby is leaving, Black-ish marriage is on the verge of ending, and now this shit... the entertainment industry is failing me man.

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They better sign up Mel Gibson to replace Clayne Crawford because you ain’t gonna get a better Martin Riggs than these two... great season, so sad to here Crawford may be replaced

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Shout by Sunny Senpai
BlockedParentSpoilers2018-05-10T05:26:40Z— updated 2018-05-20T08:57:16Z

WTF?? Are you kidding me? The man just got his life back together! D:<

EDIT: Aw man seems like Crawford has many anger management issues and is fired from the show. Idk if I can watch another season without him :c

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I have never watched the movies that inspired the show and was only roped into watching this when I had to write about it for a previous work I had. And I ended up enjoying every episode so much that it genuinely ripped my soul apart watching those final scenes with Riggs in this season finale.

OH MY GOD! I can't even begin to describe how much that hurt. Every punch he got from and gave to his dad, weighted by all the pain he has been carrying, even nurturing inside him for years. And just when you think everything was gonna be okay for him, that cemetery scene came along and turned things around in a snap. To be fair, though, the episode did some really decent foreshadowing there, I just chose to ignore it.

And I can't even begin to imagine what this would do to Murtaugh.

I came into this season knowing this was going to be Crawford's last. And as much as it excited me to see Seann William Scott in the next one, Martin Riggs is always gonna be missed. Terribly. T.T<3

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What a finale, sad to see him go out like that I really loved his character.

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That's how you ruin a TV show sad

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Such a disorganised episode and a non logical ending for the character. I know they had issues with the actor, but still do the character more justice.

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I've always enjoyed the series and keen to see where they go after the revalations in the press and the finale. Going to avoid spoilers here because most people who watch the show will be aware of the issues. Enjoyed the finale, quite a strong episode. I will definitely watch the first couple of episodes of the new series just to see what happens but not sure if I'll stick with it or not.

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Shout by Deleted

I hope the recasting goes better than they did with two and half men.. when ashton kutcher came in that show 8t ruined it.. better dont do the same to this show!!!

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One of the worst season finales...

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