I thought this episode did a good job of straddling both sides of the case but of course that's going to upset the racist viewers. Law & Order has long had politicised content that reflects current affairs - its concept is often 'ripped from the headlines' - so to use that as a criticism of the show's new run is just idiotic.

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even more horrendous politics in this episode. now this show is advocating that it's perfectly fine for black people to shoot white cops. if there's an allegation that a racist word is used, you cannot shoot somebody twice and leave them dying on the street. why can't the writers of this show be normal and productive instead of members of the insane left... you brought back the show just to drive it into the ground with absolutely insane politics.

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I used to really like this show, it had strong characters and many plot twists, but since its return, it has been nothing than a diatribe on racism. When it was cancelled several years ago, they should have placed a DNR on it.

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