rewatching svu has shown me just how much earlier seasons fed into the misconceptions that victims of childhood sexual abuse grow up to perpetrate it themselves

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Shout by JasperKazai

I love how they printed out single lines from a chat log, in full color, each on their own page. What a waste of paper and ink, lol.
The chat was fucking hilarious. All the shitty internet lingo circa 2006, as written by adults. No conversation would ever actually go that way. First, it's incredibly convenient that they posted in an open chat room, and the specific guy they wanted just so happened to instantly private message them. Then it was basically "hi I'm 15" "alright let's have sex" like LMAO no one would be that blatant about it. It wouldn't work. No actual teenager would admit to being a virgin, liking older guys, and wanting to meet up like within the span of 30 seconds. That's ridiculous. Not that I want pedophiles to be smart, but come on, they wouldn't be catfished that easily.

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