Still don’t care about Rollins’ family. At all.

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so messy and boring. stop bringing back Kim

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Shout by JasperKazai

I agree with everything else said here - Rollins' family sucks. Thank god that this is the last episode (at least to date) that has Kim. I cannot stand her. She's a pretty shitty human being with barely any redeeming qualities.
Same goes for the rest of her family. I just don't care about anything those stories could possibly provide. The main problem is that I don't even really like Rollins herself to begin with, so her weighing the show down with family baggage is just the worst.
I guess it was nice to see Bill from 24 again, though.

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Shout by Elliot

The b-plot with Rollins' family definitely took up too much time in this episode. The main story was decent and I liked how they subverted expectations with Hadid but the family drama definitely detracted. The problem is Amanda just doesn't seem like she would be part of the same family as the rest of the Rollins characters, who are all self-involved fuck-ups.

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