i liked this episode a lot. it's a good example of how even people with knowledge about mental illness can have blind spots and chalk someone's behavior up to just being "crazy". plus it humanizes kim's character a lot to provide context for her behavior. without it we only have glimpses into her most manic states and manipulative tactics and she honestly comes across as a narcissist more than anything else. but considering who her mom is and the bipolar diagnosis, it's a lot easier to understand her as a person. now i can confidently say buchanan is the only repeat guest star (who isn't a rapist or murderer i mean) i legitimately want to drop kick off a rooftop.

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Shout by JasperKazai

Why the hell would Rollins trust Kim at all anymore?! Sure, she's family, but Kim betrayed her like 3 times by now. With the possibility of Rollins being imprisoned from said betrayals. Not to mention that Kim literally sold away all of her belongings at one point! Any goodwill should be well and truly dead by that point.

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I really hate Amanda's sister. Really.

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