Nicole continues to be one of the best parts of the show. Some may not like her continued presence, but i love it, and she brings out great stuff in Goren. Their scenes are just fantastic, and their last scene is one of the best in the show. She's just so good, and i love seeing Goren physically phased even by her mere presence by now. He so rarely gets phased by a criminal, and she is one of them, and brings out the worst in him. I love seeing it. It's also great to see Mike Logan again, and i hope he becomes a continued/main part of the show, as it looks like he might be. He was great on the original law and order, and it was great seeing his cameo last season, so it's a great surprise to see him here, and that he might be joining the show. I just love the interconnections between the various law and order shows. I just love it.

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Please stop bringing back that psychobitch. Just kill her off for fuck sake!

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