Personal Lists featuring...


Season 1


Lista a ver :eyes: en algún momento:hourglass_flowing_sand:.


Not in full order. Just everything i have watched on Netflix missing 6 items compered to Netflix list


Not in full order. Just most things i have watched on Netflix, Shows in progress 2024-03-29, im only keeping Show and Season Heads, trying to folder all episodes in to separat folders


These are the list of series I have seen this 2021.


Shows i have seen or working on


2018-19 TV Season Ranked

Last Updated: 22 March 2023


An essential element of historical fiction is that it is set in the past and pays attention to the manners, social conditions and other details of the depicted period. Authors also frequently choose to explore notable historical figures in these settings, allowing readers to better understand how these individuals might have responded to their environments. Some sub-genres such as alternate history and historical fantasy insert speculative or ahistorical elements into a novel. (Source: Wikipedia; license: CC-BY-SA 3.0)


Paranormal: purported phenomena described in popular culture, folk, and other non-scientific bodies of knowledge, whose existence within these contexts is described as beyond normal experience or scientific explanation. Examples are extrasensory perception, ufology, extraterrestrial life, ghosts, and psychic abilities.

Supernatural: entities, places, and events that falls outside the scope of scientific understanding of the laws of nature. Examples are angels, gods, spirits, magic, precognition, extrasensory perception, telekinesis, and ghosts.


Seasons watched in 2021


:large_blue_diamond:Highly Recommend: From 1 to 5.
:large_blue_diamond:Recommend: From 6 to 10.
:large_blue_diamond:You May Like It: From 11 to 45.
:large_blue_diamond:I Do Not Recommend: From 41 to 43.
:large_blue_diamond:Currently Watching: The Rest.
:large_orange_diamond: Every K-drama released from January 1 to December 31 (2019)

:arrow_down:Next season (2020) here:arrow_down:

:arrow_down:Previous season (2018) here:arrow_down:
