I thought they were going to drag the whole Christianity storyline through the whole season. I'm glad that's over.

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This was so good back in season 1 and 2..Such a waste of a good show.. :(

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May did not deserve to go out that way. They started a subplot of V choosing to save her, then went back on that at the end. It’s almost like all of this is filler for the V/E content we all actually came here to see.

And can they please get rid of Eve’s man. I’m over his whole schtick already, we only have 6 more episodes before it’s over forever.

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can't believe there are no other trakt comments saying the eve/helene scenes were Hot :(

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Jesus, this show is awful!

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Sandra speaking French, oh my :weary:

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Interesting how ruthless Eve has become. Badass.
But I don’t like how she makes treating Villanelle now. It’s probably healthy, but I prefer them being like magnets with the opposite sides against each other.

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Another episode of the show where two people, who are almost never in the same place, do and say almost everything with the other person in mind. I don’t care what the plot device is at this point, it’s time for them to be in the same room.

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One extra heart because the holy thing seems to be over.

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