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Killing Eve

Season 4

:asterisk_symbol:not vibing with this season at all

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This season was very boring. I was really disappointed, but glad it's over.

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this season went nowhere and they still took their sweetass time getting there

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This is just a very strange season, with an awful, unexpected ending to the series. It's a shame how bad this show ended up getting. The pacing of this season was so weird. It's been somewhat slow the whole season, and then the Twelve storyline felt so rushed the last 20 minutes of the final episode. It was so anti-climatic.

Sandra Oh & Jodie Comer were masterful as always, but not even them could fix the terrible writing. 4 seasons of brilliant acting and electric chemistry and this is what you decide. 20 mins of their interaction this episode was better than the entire season.

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worst season of Killing Eve. too much anticipation for ... nothing #hatedTheEnding

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What a dog shit season and an insult to LGBTQ+ relationships. The cinematography, acting, and music were all good this season. But the story, the story was just deplorable queer baiting with a million loose ends and weird forced narratives that ignored continuity from established facts of previous seasons. I’m so disappointed KE ended like this. 1/10.

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don't know why but it was been a season for me that I played on the background while I am doing other things. Even 7 episodes in, there it was still a mess in the story with too many points to clear out. Not sure if this season was actually planned or they decided to do it out of the show's popularity. but maybe end of season 3 made more sense as a series finale.

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Until episode 5 I was really enjoying this season but then it got very boring and a wasted of screen time

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Shout by H

Nowhere near the same level as the first two seasons. The third was ok but let’s be honest, it could’ve ended there. Sometimes you can have too much of a good thing and according to the ending, that much is true. It should’ve ended whilst it was still reasonably good

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