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Killing Eve 2018

This show is filling the Orphan Black shaped hole in my heart. Thanks, BBC America!

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Oh wow... I wasn't expecting this show to be so damn good! I was hooked after the first episode. I LOVE it!!! Jodie is so good in this. Sandra too.

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This is a great series so far!
I don't think I'd never loved a villain so much!
+ it's on HBOnordic in Sweden!! #happytvnerd

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Starts really good with a very good first season. The second one was ok as well. But after that it goes straight to hot dumpster garbage. They changed the writers or something as after second season it gets progressively bad with a even worse series finale.

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Season 1: Fantastic
Season 2: Fan Service
Season 3: Fan Fiction
Season 4: Fanasfkankfjnaskjf;nk

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To new watchers I would say - watch season 1 as a stand alone. There is a lack of coherent plot and any depth to characters beyond the first season - it's thin like butter scraped over too much bread. Season 1 is a fantastic standalone.

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The first two seasons are great. They're a lot of fun, and it's a different show from the usual formulaic crap on TV. Season 3 goes downhill big time, the writing simply isn't good from then on. Season 4 is a step down again from season 3. It was an entertaining show, but I'm glad it's over. Just wish it had ended after season 2.

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If your starting this show rn, do yourself a favor and stop after season 2.

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Perfect example of a series that began with a good adaptation by Phoebe Waller-Bridge of the novels by Luke Jennings to go from one showrunner to another in a parody of itself, mostly in the S3 and especially in a disappointing S4 that builds an insecure ending. Basically because Emerald Fennell, Suzanne Heathcote and Laura Neal have never known what to do with the characters.

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Shout by TV Watcher
BlockedParent2022-03-15T21:53:03Z— updated 2022-10-04T20:58:35Z

The first season was captivating, an exciting ride into an interesting plot. Season two went into some seriously weird stuff, so much so that I gave up. I'm still debating watching the 3rd season or not, season 2 was pretty awful.

UPDATE: Once season 3 aired I just couldn't bring myself to watch this any longer, I couldn't find a single thing in season 2 to bring me back to the show. Season 2 killed the show for me.

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The ending is so bad.

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For me this show only had one truly brilliant season and that was the first one. After that she show had a roller coaster of ups and downs, some moments aggravated me, others I was strangely invested. I do think that Jodie Comer as Villainelle was one of the standouts of the show but even then some of her comedic scenes didn't across as funny as they probably should have. Overall this is a decent show that lacks in its latter two seasons.

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The way characters behave in this show doesn't make sense, especially at crucial points in the plot, and the result isn't exactly what I would describe as entertaining TV? It's also fairly predictable, and the light moments aren't really funny? And the action is so scarce and underwhelming? I loved Fleabag, and I assumed any other show Phoebe Walter-Bridge is the driving force behind would be good, but I'm three episodes away from the end of the first season and Killing Eve has not won me over yet; so far, it has been similar to Dexter, but without all the mystery and suspense.

Oh, and how does an American get a job at MI6? Does the show expect me to ignore her accent and pretend she's English? It's kinda unusual, isn't it? Especially when the antagonist nails down one foreign accent after another, in line with her character, every episode.

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Damn good, serious and funny in all the right places without it feeling like it's trying too hard.
Again watch it.

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Promising start but it unfortunately ran out of steam in the end.

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The way the show ended is not good enough for me. She gets shot in the end and the ocean current pulls her out to sea.

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i advice you to stop in season 2

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Homeless homeless disgusting aged ajuma ...

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Just wow. Worth the watch just for Jodie's performance !
Unfortunately some script decision where not on par with the shows quality. Let's hope Season 4 will be the best of all.

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I like this show, but I hate Eve. I have no respect for characters who are constantly doing things they want to do and then they act like they don't. And that's Eve. For 2 seasons and 3 episodes so far. It's tiresome, and I don't care for her bullshit. I don't believe her when she's trying to be decent.

Villanelle's character is far more respectable and enjoyable, simply because she's not fake. She knows who she is, even if that's a psychopathic a**hole, and she accepts herself fully. But Eve? Coward. Hypocrite. Spineless, except when she's being rude to people who genuinely care about her. She's a worse person than Villanelle imo, and that's saying something. I wish I liked her, so I could enjoy the show a lot more. But I don't.

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I just binged the entire first season on a whim, didn't even know what the show was about. I wasn't expecting it to be this good! Amazing characters, the villains are just as likeable as the heroes - they really explore the line between hilarity, stupidity and insanity well... amazing story lines and even better dialogue and writing. Brilliant! I hope that the other seasons are just as good as the first

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The assassin just... loiters with a stupid smirk. Putting her fingerprints on everything. Waiting for someone to walk in on her assassination. She's bound to have been walking past numerous security cameras on her way in and out of these locations as well.

Her particular brand of psychopathy doesn't make her intimidating or intriguing. It just seems to make her bland and shallow and worst of all, inefficient.

Yes, there are people hiding some of the evidence for her, but that hardly serves her reputation as a master assassin. It's awfully convenient that her greatest achievements (such as killing a witness, two armed guards and a nurse silently in a hospital) all take place off screen.

Meanwhile, Eve is selected as the head of the taskforce not because she's collecting any of the ample amount of evidence being left behind by the assassin, but because she strings together theories based on gut feelings. You're telling me no ONE thought to check the hospital staff roster until Eve had an epiphany days later?

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Now that I've seen the whole s1 I can say that this is probably the best show of 2018. It has that awesome weird vibe, interesting plot that grips you from the very first episode and phenomenally talented cast. Jodie especially is a revelation to me. She plays the character so perfectly with all the cute quirks that she eventually makes you fall for that insane murderous psychopath without even noticing it. Sandra is great as well, but that's already a well known fact.
I highly recommend this for binge-watching!

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Shout by Deleted

After a promising first series, Killing Eve lost the thrill it had previously and became the Jodie Comer show.

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A breath of fresh air amongst the many shallow TV shows being churned out these days. Fantastic writing and acting. Each episode kept me wanting more. Highly recommend.

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After watching season one, I can say this show is pretty great. I wish the show was more believable, but watching Eve at work, especially when she interacts with the bad guy, is really irresistible. Bit on the light side, but really fun, for sure.

I'm probably in the minority on this, but I enjoy the Villanelle scenes a lot less than I do Eve. She's just over-the-top psycho, and she's not even a decent assassin at that. If this were the real world, she'd get caught after one hit and no one at MI6 would break a sweat catching her. Although I admit, she's great to watch when she gets close to Eve.

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I'm really loving this show!!
Another amazing performance from Sandra Oh.
I'm so fucking in love with Villanelle !

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Shout by Zoe

Absolutely amazing show, I literally CANNOT wait for the next season!!!! I am absolutely and completely hooked.

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dark, hilarious, engaging, entertaining, not your typical assassin story

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Despite the off-putting title of this series, I waded in and was delighted to discover this humorous, engaging, clever offering from BBC America. An interesting, psychopathic villain, a quirky, brilliant analyst, beautiful European venues and a GREAT cat and mouse game. I give this series a 9 (superb) out of 10. [Spy Adventure]

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This series has such a strong start but unfortunately it falters in the final two seasons. I have a feeling that this is to do with the writing staff changes, particularly Phoebe Waller-Bridge moving on.

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Not the type of show I normally watch, but Netflix said it matched and I had nothing else to try. Thank...You...Netflix! This show hooked me early on, Sandra Oh is PHENOMENAL and Jodie Comer is just the perfect counter-part. Fiona Shaw and Kim Bodnia were absolutely integral to making this so successful for me, they brought so much sternness and fun, respectively, ALWAYS had me wondering what the heck I didn't know about them, and which side are/were they really on (I don't think I truly understand yet (just finished the last episode)).

I enjoyed this show enough that I actively wanted to finish it, and was watching it over other shows when the opportunity arose. I normally laugh at the things Netflix thinks I will like, but this time they did me right.

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It is actually so refreshing to watch anything made by a woman! I loved this show. Of course towards the end it got boring but still okay I guess. Season 1 is just masterful1 And I love the acting!

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The show started as extremely promising but as you go towards the final season it gets a bit meh. I loved the dynamic of Eve and Villanelle. Also, the ending of the show felt a bit rushed when it really had very good potential.

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I don't like the end :-/

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Jodie Comer is just really incredible...

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I would do anything for Jodie comer

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yeah! good one. like kiss of the dragon...but imagine that jet li can do dialogue.

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Went two seasons longer than it should've. Enjoyed watching Jodie Comer as Villanelle throughout the series. She seemed to really get into her roll.

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agree with everyone else when saying skip the 4th season. you might even skip the 3rd. started so good.

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Beating the dead horse here, but further the series goes, the more it pains to watch it. Glad for some things they had in the final season, but yeah, series ain't good only if there's a lot of fan service. Especially, if you kill all the darlings.

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I'm sure Mitski binge-watched it

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Love this show so much, but stop after the 3rd. 4th is blah and has a terrible show ending.

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The series started strong, its first two seasons were very refreshing and everything went well with Villanelle in the center, its third season dipped a bit while still being satisfying. But with the last season, everything feels rushed and with decisions that feel strange, maybe one more season was needed to better develop all the plots.

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Do yourself a favor and watch this gem of a show. There is a story that is thrilling, fun, insane, heartbreaking, heartwarming and so much more in here. There is Sandra Oh, Jodie Comer and Fiona Shaw absolutely killing it! I don't even know what else to say other than; just go watch now! It's more than worth it!

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A security consultant hunts for a ruthless assassin. Equally obsessed with each other, they go head to head in an epic game of cat-and-mouse. INTJ Keywords: Thriller, Action & Adventure, Drama, Mystery, Crime, Psychology.

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One of the best shows of the decade! The entire cast is brilliant and the writing (although the writers have changed every season) continues to be phenomenal. I hope fourth season give us more unexpected pathways and a mind-blowing story line. Highly recommend!!

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Such a good show! The characters are so complex and interesting, the actors are all amazing, the cinematography is gorgeous and the atmosphere of the show keeps you on your feet all the time. So intense and funny and beautiful and exciting and smart and amazing, honeslty.

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Shout by kizzwownz
BlockedParent2020-04-24T19:13:19Z— updated 2020-04-25T23:35:03Z

Man, I was not expecting this to be so good. Me and the Mrs are blitzing it. This show is fucking awesome. Whoever gets to location scout for this programme is so lucky!

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I didnt think i would love this series. I mean, season 1 was ok. In season 2, Vilanele really start to shine. Its a very colorfull character. She is like a eccentric baby with a shotgun. She's got no empathy what so ever and its very fun to watch. I really hope season 3 come soon !

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One of the few shows I WILL binge watch all day long. Hate to see this season over. I knew Sandra Oh from grey's Anatomy but did not know Jodie Comer. She is fantastic in this show. Both actresses seem to have a great rapport and chemistry on film. Love the show.

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I stumbled in this show by accident, and man, I didn't regret it.
It's just, I mean, not every minute, but most of them?
Great acting, great filming and great black humor.
In my country it's on the STARZ... thing Amazon made up recently. I took the change for a 2-week-sneak just to see that show.
They will always try to get more money from us, don't they?

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I really enjoyed this show. Plenty of dark humour and interesting enough characters to keep watching with a few unexpected twists. The scene in the final episode in season two was a "didn't see that coming" moment.

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B E S T new show! A must-watch.

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S1 was amazingly bonkers, S2 not so much.

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There might be a lot of shows around, but BBC shows have that special something in them. You guys really know how to pick out the precious ones from the lot. The lead are awesome and are so deep in the characters they play. The supporting cast also deliver. Other than the fact that Fiona Shaw always reminds me of Petunia Dursley, there is nothing else to complain ;) Love this show. Looking forward to BBC to release some epic new ones in the not-too distant future as well.

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don't know what happened, I blinked and now I'm halfway through first season. awesome series so far and great acting (especially from Sandra Oh :heart:)

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Sensational show. They don't come much better than this one. Great performances by Sandra Oh and Jodie Comer.

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Shout by Deleted

Brilliant and intelligent. I love the attitude and the mixture of dark comedy and thriller/action -ish...
Best tv-show in quite some time. Looking forward to the next season!!

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Shout by Deleted

One of the best TV series this year, its brilliant

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Great show with awesome villan. Love the look and feel of each episode. Got some great dark humor and some disturbing thriller parts. Highly recomend this one

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