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Keep Breathing 2022

there is nothing to like about this poorly scripted, poorly acted show. the situations and dynamics between people is not convincing, the lead actress and boyfriend with their overly cute and clichéd dialogue is just insufferable. thank goodness as I write this, avoiding watching the last episode, I can say "I've watched it" and it was just AWFUL.

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1/10 absolutely awful shallow trite rubbish.

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So bland and boring, and as a survival show it just doesn't work at all. It was trying way too hard and forgot to be entertaining. Feels like we spent more time in flashbacks than in the present, and the flashbacks didn't add anything interesting to the story or character. They were trying to use them to give the main character development but it fails at doing so. The nature shots were nice to look at and Melissa Barrera was fine, but that doesn't come close to saving this show. It just completely missed the mark for me.

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Very boring! Maybe 30% survival and the other 70% of it was flashbacks of her boring life with her husband. Last episode is her sobbing and talking to people who aren't even there. Probably the lamest survival story i've seen. First 2 or 3 episodes were good though.

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Started out good, but last 3 episodes were boring. Ended up fast forwarding through all the cut scenes of her past which took over the 2nd half of the series.

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They suck you in with an interesting plot line and trailers, then the old switch-a-roo to a boring story told in flashbacks rather than focusing on the very thing you tuned in for in the first place.

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Extremely disappointed. It would have been a great mini series if they just stuck primarily to the plane crash story, instead they did too many unnecessary flashbacks of the office & her Dad & Mom. In one episode it just repeatedly flashes back and forth between the present and before. The talking to the dead guy stuff is something that actually worked. Her getting lost repeatedly was stupid when she could have followed the shoreline. The amount of times she fell was sort of ridiculous unless we are supposed to look at this as an action series. The scenery & acting was good though.

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Too many flashbacks totally not justify watching

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[Netflix] It is significant that motherhood is used as a motivation for a female character, which demonstrates a false female empowerment that is based on the usual clichés. As a survival show it's very basic and undeveloped, timid in the narrative of a solitary character surrounding her with an "inner voice", but as a representation of the pathos of the protagonist it's a banal and anticlimactic drama.

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I really enjoyed this show.
Yes, it is pretty slow. I found it very relaxing and kinda sweet.

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Starts kinda nice. It's interesting in the beginning. Then, you notice the slow-pace, start getting distracted, washing dishes...Lol.
I mean... it could be so much worse but, if you're gonna watch it, just don't get your hopes up

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Keep Breathing is a fair series that delivers a twist ending, which has been done before, and may not surprise some viewers. The script is not particularly original, and the marketing of the series may lead viewers to expect more of a survival story than a drama about the main character's personal life through flashback scenes. Overall, a decent watch, but it may not be what you expect it to be.

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This could have been really good, the concept was good, however, it turned out to be rather dull and boring. There are far too many flashbacks, and you don’t really care much for the main character at all. I wouldn’t really recommend it unfortunately :worried::worried:

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The most annoying main chatacter ever.
I liked the pilot, but it all went downhill really fast. Not only she is reckless, she is broken Inside. And we have to find that out the most boring way - the never ending flashbacks! Ugh…

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Another series with a ridiculous ending. I don't understand why this happened.

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By the reviews here you'd think this show was a giant flaming dumpster. In reality it's probably just a dumpster without the flames. It's not unwatchable, but it's not good either. It can't decide if it's trying to rip off Hatchet or Lost, and ends up completely uninteresting because the majority of the story is just watching her life in flashbacks. There's not nearly enough of a story after the crash to get really invested at all, and they spend too much time before the final episode making the girl pretty unlikable. Add to the fact that she falls like 20 feet into a pit and is crushed by a rock, and moments later falls off a cliff and hits several trees on the way down only to get up with like a twisted ankle or something, and the whole thing's pretty ridicules.

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Shout by GaMaLlama
BlockedParent2022-09-04T17:05:39Z— updated 2023-01-18T04:27:56Z

Turned a potentially interesting survival story into a series of uninteresting flashbacks. Trust the reviews, this isn't worth your time.

Edit: spelling error

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I liked the idea, the atmosphere, the way it's filmed. But it's quickly boring as hell. Meh.

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Surviving the woods was easier than surviving Ghost Face, and that’s the problem. Loved to see her has leading women, liked a lot the backstory, visually the woods are great but the survival part was not there for me. It’s more about the inner battle than the physical challenges.

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if you watch this as a thriller or survival story, you're going to be disappointed. it's a drama, and it's a story that resonated with me as someone with a parent who has a personality disorder (rather than a mood disorder, like liv's mother). i liked it and i cried some. but if i'd continued expecting a thriller after the first episode (and the genre tags include thriller, so literally no one can be blamed for expecting that) i probably would have felt incredibly let down by it. i mean netflix literally specializes in entertainment; surely at this point we can use genres correctly??

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cheap netflix snack. just like mcdonald’s, you feel sorry you are it

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She seemed to be a strong person, but in fact she was afraid to get evolved, to have any kind of relationship. The story about her mother was weak and boring.
What can I say about her flashbacks? Boring, boring and boring.
The ending was so obvious.

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I thought I was in for a cool survival story. Instead it was a borefest. Our strong female of color main character is alone from the get go, swears a lot, hears voices of a co-passenger she has known for an hour, and does not do a lot of cool survival stuff. Most of our time is spent with useless flashbacks on her life as a lawyer, for which we have no reason to care. Don't do the same mistake as I did, and please avoid this.

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I thought I was in for a cool survival story. Instead it was a borefest. Our strong female of color main character is alone from the get go, swears a lot, hears voices of a co-passenger she has known for an hour, and does not do a lot of cool survival stuff. Most of our time is spent with useless flashbacks on her life as a lawyer, for which we have no reason to care. Don't do the same mistake as I did, and please avoid this.

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I thought I was in for a cool survival story. Instead it was a borefest. Our strong female of color main character is alone from the get go, swears a lot, hears voices of a co-passenger she has known for an hour, and does not do a lot of cool survival stuff. Most of our time is spent with useless flashbacks on her life as a lawyer, for which we have no reason to care. Don't do the same mistake as I did, and please avoid this.

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one of the worst series EVER.... I wish I could unseen this.

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Shout by J_345

Its just her acting like a child when it comes to common sense survival skills, actually that’s demeaning children, even girl/boy scouts would do better.

80% flashbacks that didnt even have a resolution and 20% luck seeing as i wouldn’t call it survival

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