Man, I know Dennis is severely screwed up, but enhanced and dead tooth removed Maureen is literally perfect.

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[6.9/10] I’m as much of a sucker for a good horror/zombie homage as you’re like to find (even better if they involve a cameo from Guillermo Del Toro!) but this one took a while to get going for me. It might be that the whole McPoyle/Ponderosa combo feels once again like the show cannibalizing its own corpse rather than doing something new or different, or maybe it’s that I find the McPoyle stuff plainly gross rather than funny (despite Jimmi Simpson’s committed performance) but it wasn’t until the zombie pastiche, Silent Hill-esque creepiness began in earnest that I started to get on board.

I’ll give this to director Matt Shakman and his team -- for a comedy show, they let things get pretty scary and capture the energy of a horror film well. I appreciate the third act twist explanations of Bill Ponderosa spiking everyone’s milk with bath salts and Dee just being mad that Mac and Charlie wrecked her car but the setups and payoffs weren’t especially elegant.

Overall, I appreciated the homage parts of his and the effort at fun twists, but storytelling-wise and comedy-wise, it was hit or miss.

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charlie’s jaws bit sounded like an irish accent

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Shout by Phil

First appearance of Guillermo Del Toro as Pappy McPoyle

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