oh this show is TWISTED.

and imma tune in every week!

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I don’t think violence is necessary in this episode, I hope the next episode would explain…

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Character development through sexual assault is so. damned. TIRED. Do literally anything else, I beg.

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and when you thought Louis and Lestat couldn't get more toxic they reach their incredibly bitter and resentful married couple phase. I will say as much as I still concur that selfish loneliness links the two together Lastat does take the cake for toxicity by far in this ep. I'm just saying this is what happens when you think a kid can fix a broken marriage.

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damn it heartbreak feels good when it's this well written

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Easily the most fucked up episode of the season. Just absolutely brutal. Not just the actions but the dialogue, it's just as cutting. Some are just seared into my brain for all time.

"His love is a small box he keeps you in, don't stay in it.",
"Let us be vampires worthy of your love",
"I have waited, Louis. I have patiently waited, in vain, for you to love me, as I love you. Just say it. Say it, Lestat I am never going to love you. You would help me a great deal, to hear that from your lips."

I'm foaming at the mouth right now.

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I am completely shaken by this fight at the end. And I'm even more curious to know why Lestat fled Europe.

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