This made all previous episodes feel like fillers. It packed so much yet sufficient to signal future chaos, all in one episode. So tense! I love this episode so much, gotta give it another watch just to soak it all in. Whoa!

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The most cinematographic episode so far, with great photography and music, which made it very intense and powerful in some parts; but unfortunately it has some quite unrealistic elements, like Sir Criston murdering a guest and just walking away...

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Oh boy I'm loving this series.

This episode actually made me audibly gasp with THAT scene. I'm heartbroken for how Leanor said his vows with that broken voice, he didn't deserve any of it.

Although I loved the episode, I think it's very strange that:
1. Two blokes threw Leanor, the betrothed and guest of honor, across a table and no one seemed to care (imagine someone doing that to fucking Margaery Tyrell as Joffrey began to choke)
2. The guards did nothing to protect Rhaenyra (supposably there is at least 6 guys, not counting Cole)
3. Cole murdered a guest of honor and just walked away from it, not a single guard tried to imprison him (imagine if in the Purple Wedding Merryn Trant started beating Loras Tyrell out of the blue)

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We all know Westerosi weddings dont end well!

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An ell begins to fall…intense episode, now the era where everyone is against everyone begins…

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I don't get what happened! one second Rhaenyra stood with Daemon ... the next, Daemon disappears and we see Criston beating the hell out of that other guy ( what's his name ?) ....
Where the hell did Daemon go? I demand an explanation. :smile:

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The whole feast sequence is one pure blast of classic early GOT, all interlocking storylines/character dynamics and rising tension. Loved it.

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An arranged marriage. A pre-wedding feast. What could possibly go wrong? Marrying a gay guy minutes after his lover is killed by the knight who took (supposedly) the bride's virginity: If that's not not foreboding, I don't know what is. Being harassed by your incestuous love interest at your own wedding: Love it.

PS: What a dance!

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The Game continues to play out.
Matt Smith steals the win again in his short but impacting scenes.

The hearts and minds of men will always be manipulated, played by the women with grace and expertise.

I would only say about these first 5 episodes, even though I appreciate these are merely a preface to the main arc of this series, I think it could have played quite comfortably throughout all of this first season.

It's sad to say goodbye to Milly Alcock in this episode. Well done dear lady. Well played.

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In Game of Thrones, if there's a wedding something will definitely go wrong. inevitable stuff. great episode. probably the best.

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Incredible episode. The entire wedding alone has so many great moments and the tension building was peak. Every glance between characters said so much and you know something bad is going to happen but don’t know what, so you’re just waiting for it as the tension builds and builds and the payoff delivers. Just so well executed all around. Knowing we’re getting a big time jump next episode could make this one feel like a big setup episode, but let this be an example of how to do setup well. Major turning point for the characters and the story and can’t wait for the second half of the season. Will be very sad to see Milly Alcock go though.

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Is this just me or the fifth episode was just a weak sauce, pathetic king, a looser hand, a childish groom and what a disaster fight scene. I can't see any good coming out of this series so far. Even CGI look very unfinished.

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Completely dumb ending of literally zero sense. I thought the two morons who goofed the first series were banned from coming back. This episode was reminiscent of that crap.

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A wonderful episode, easily the best yet. This show continues to get better with each episode. Though still some odd writing decisions - the sequence with the fight at the feast just didn't make all that much sense. Leanor and Rhaenyra were thrown around and none of the guards did a good job of protecting them. Compare this to similar events in Game of Thrones... it simply wouldn't have happened. There'd be hell to pay.

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The scene of Criston killing Laenor's lover is s7/8 Game if Thrones level of stupid. How come he can do that, punch the princesses' fiancé and then just walk away peacefully? Where are the guards? It wasn't a BIG issue but it was a bit reminiscent of the idiocy & lack of consequences in the later seasons of GoT which I'm not at all a fan of.
Good episode otherwise.

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Woah, that green dress tho!

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This was so great it felt like peak GoT. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. 10/10.

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Matt Smith has such a strong presence, steals every scene. So proud of him! Still 11/11.

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Boring episode had to rewind a couple of times because i got distracted

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In the conversation between Queen Alicent and Sir Cristen, its obvious they are both speaking about different aspects of that night. Or were they both talking about Daemon? The way I interpreted it, he was confessing to his transgressions with the Princess. Since he didn't know what went on with Daemon that night, would he have accepted punishment if he knew she wasn't talking about him? And to her, he was just confirming the Princess lied to her.

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Well, this was a little incoherent. One too many things all squeezed into one episode that's also the second shortest so far...

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With every episode this feels like a tale stretched out beyond what the story will bear. So many of the scenes feel like a paint by numbers dance with little of the soul found in the books. Like the kingdom itself, we are all waiting for Viserys to die and perhaps then things might get interesting.

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I was about to boycott the show because they almost killed the only attractive character, hoping they will show Criston's ass properly next time!

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The tension
The drama
The tragedy

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Shout by ShoMok

How come Criston could do that with no attempts of interruption at all AND just walk away afterwards. That is bs.

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What's wrong with the King ? Dragon scale or maybe an STI?

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This episode is GoT at its best. It just builds and builds and builds tension to a point you don't know what the fuck is going to happen.
Those last 15/20 minutes were just superb.

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the girls are fightinggggg and im here for it

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Somehow this episode just seemed off. Like it felt out of place in comparison to the series so far.

One thing is clear this is not game of thrones. It's the same universe. The same talk of dragons. But very clearly do not measure this show in comparison to game of thrones.

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one of the better episodes but felt rushed, as mentioned before some unrealistic scenes

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Best episode yet, by a long mile.

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It is reaching the level of the good seasons of GOT

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finally some good stuff HBO

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Shout by Gloom8

Now that's medieval wedding!

Well, I'm glad that moronic actions and some carefree speeches were properly punished at the end. The show got me worried for a moment there until he killed him... I really hope that what happened after the brutal "fight" was part of someone's plot and they didn't just let the murderer walk away freely, no one tried to kill him or arrest him. That shamefully would be some GoT level of writing.

That shipfucker would probably win in the end, and would even manage to get it up to produce an heir. There are truly no justice in that universe.

Overall, quite good as per usual.
I only hope they wouldn't overuse unnecessary explanations. It was such a powerful visual scene for Alicent in that vibrant dress, in her House colors. I would prefer not to have any comments about it. Or at least for him the guy she should have married instead, after his sincere smile of approval of her kill not to answer, just nod or smirk.

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"My father could not have picked a better man for me to marry" she said to the guy who had been trying to marry her only 2 episodes ago

Damn we had to wait like 6 seasons to see a Lannister get burnt this bad in GoT

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Shout by Deleted

Finally stayed awake through an entire episode!

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wtffffff, someeeeeeee game of thrones vibes, Finally an epic episode, literally enjoyed every part of it and was really full of thing's, Last part ( weeding) really makes you become sure that it's connected by GOT, Really missed that as a big fan of GOT, I'm happy and probably will make a rewatch, Nice job!!

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when I see GREEN I get excited #swear to the greens not the blacks

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oo The tension
Can't wait for next episode...

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