First thing, I was looking for the intro but I heard it's supposed to premiere next episode, I'm hoping it won't disappoint.

Great pilot. I really liked Emma's (Rhaenyra) narration in the first part. Matt's Daemon is just best and I'm looking forward on hating him! Also looking forward for Olivia Cooke's Alicent!!! Few things I like about this pilot: The Queen Who Never Was (Rhaenys). Alicent and Rhaenyra's relationship, and lastly, the SCORING!

Overall, I think HotD delivered. Politics, Gore, Sex, and the ever present fight for the iron throne.

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I'm hoping that they don't screw this for us and also will cover the mess of the ending of the sequel,GOT

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It was a very good start. I liked to see so many banners and houses we didn't see in GOT.
OST continues to be very good, but it was a bit too quiet for my taste. CGI is outstanding.
I liked the characters and it had a little humour, even though critics said it didn't.
Also, not seeing an opening was weird, but I hear we'll get one next week at least.
I didn't read anything on Targaryen history this last years and it seems that was the right move as I don't remember a lot of what will happen. I'm excited for what is to happen.
And that last bit with the prophecy and the focus on that particular dagger made my day.

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I learned from watching GoT not to expect much from season premieres. Not because they're bad, far from it. Because they focus mainly on introducing plot threads that are only going to become clear in the direction they're heading in future episodes. Normally there's no big or out of nowhere moments with the sole intent of hooking the viewer into watching the next episode.

Still, maybe it's the low expectations I had from what I just talked about and, of course, the disappointment that was the final season of the original show but I was quite impressed by this series premiere.
It introduced its characters, plot and tone really well and at a faster pace that I was expecting. And even though the pace was faster than I was expecting, it didn't feel rushed which was, and still is, my biggest worry about this show.

We'll only be able to properly judge the quality of the show in a couple of weeks when its plot and direction are clearer but, for now, I thought this was a good introduction and I'm interested in what's to come.

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The production value is amazing! The acting is top-notch! The writing isn't bad. BUT this is one anti-climactic first episode compared to the pilot for Game of Thrones. It's not terrible, but there isn't much of a drive that makes it as addicting as GoT. I'll stick around to watch the rest of the seasons, but this first episode makes it feel like a supplement to the original series rather than its own thing. So odd that the week started with the end of an amazing spinoff but now the start of one that doesn't realize it has heavy shoes to fill.

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Nothing earth-shattering but still a solid setup and the CGI is top notch! Daemon shines every time he’s on screen. 8/10

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Here we are at home again, and there's no doubt the game is on.

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Matt Smith really has the face and acting temperament to play a Targaryen.

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Gratuitous Violence, Political Machinations, Sexual Exposition. Classic Game of Thrones. 9/10

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So for two hundred year’s there has been multiple generations of Stark’s banging on about Winter coming…

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It was okay. Not overly enthralled by any of it. Matt Smith as Daemon was pretty good, but aside from that, I thought it was probably equivalent to whatever the worst episode of Game of Thrones was (outside of the last 2 seasons). I'm guessing it'll get better, but I'm just not all that interested in any of the characters the same way I was after watching the Game of Thrones pilot.

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Loved it. I missed this universe. The music made my eyes water the whole time being reminded of GoT. Can't wait to see all the misery that is about to happen on screen and not just reading about it. I think I'm ready for another GoT rewatch soon after losing interest with S8. Only thing I didn't like was the missing intro.

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Memories...Memories are everywhere :'), love the show already.

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For me, this was a very good start, well done and I did like the CGI.

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So… no intro? I was really looking forward for a new intro.

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I’m tired, boss.

Look, I’m not going to act like a decent chunk of this isn’t cool or that this isn’t significantly better than like the last four seasons of Game of Thrones, but I don’t think we were given enough of a reason to exist in this show yet. There’s a lot of fantasy and monarchy babble in this episode that’s thrown at audiences before you’ve even been properly introduced to characters. House of the Dragon is simply: remember the history of the Tagaryens? Well this is that.

Unfortunately, the first episode of this series lacks a sense of scale or momentum that would instill a sense that what we’re watching is important. The trademarks we came to know about Game of Thrones aren’t here (at least not yet) and while that doesn’t mean there isn’t some good to be seen and an extreme level of production design elements that just absolutely slap, it just feels so blatantly like HBO said “gotta make that money”.

Excited for next week though. Please just don’t make me watch another c-section.

Special shout out to Matt Smith: saddest boy at the orgy.

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Let's make Westeros great again!

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Really average start. The only good thing about this episode was Daemon.

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It's alright. The characters don't seem terribly interesting so far but there's a lot of potential in the setup here - especially for Rhaenyra, I can't wait to see what's in store for her.

Also the birth scene... top 10 most horrifying and traumatizing scenes in the GOT universe if you ask me and that says a lot-

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First episode, okay. It gives a nice opportunity to memorize names because jeez... lot's of those.
Story wise I feel like it's a weak opening compared to Game of Thrones.

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Good start, hope the best for the next episodes !!!

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it's fine. In don't really care about anyone. Matt Smith was the MVP and I wouldn't have continued without him. 170 something years is way too long for me to even link the original characters to anyone, and believe me I've tried. I'm yet to see a single Stark... They tried to change some things with the lighting or something, but it's either way too dark or way too bright. Most of the wigs are meh.

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Just milking the IP here.
Nothing to see.

Uninspired. Fantasy with dragons was done before. Now with extra unnecessary violence.

Ah and not a single actor left an impression.
Very sad.

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Strong start in response to the high expectation tied to the names involved and to the controversy about the previous show.
Unnecessarily gruesome but definitely set the bar about what to expect for the rest of the season.
Looking forward to the next episode.

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Hating Daemon after 30 seconds : Check... Good choice of villain I would say, not yet as hatable as Joffrey (yet) but still...

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Prince Charles daddy was such a great Daemon.
What an actor!!!

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The episode was quite good, the vistas impressive, the city and the palace really look like placed lived in instead of just decorations. I enjoyed the dragons though there were not that many of them. Princess Rhaenyra looked a bit stiff in the trailers, but in the actual episode she turned out to be an interesting and lively character. It looks like the king Viserys had a genuine affection for his wife, which is really rare in the cruel world of Westeros, which makes her death due to the decision he took even more dramatic. He also seems to have a better father and daughter relationship than his Hand, who intends to use his daughter to advance himself. I liked the scene when Viserys explains everything about his vision to his daughter and gives her a mission to undertake as a ruler, a mission which ties up to the previous show.

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Ahhh this vibes are back again, let's goooooo
great start of the show and I'm so excited for next episodes ( tho I'm pretty sure nothing can replace my love for got)

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Fun episode nothing wow but good start let's hope this season exceeds our expectations

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Alright, Westeros can be cool once again! Brilliant and promising first episode!

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They all caught the fugly, apparently. Bad wigs, boring dialogue and hardly a single character that feels remotely interesting. Not even as good as a mid-season filler episode from GoT.

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Great first episode, loved it.

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Cool first episode. Pacing was way faster then the first GoT episode. Daemon is a cool character to follow. Excited for the rest!

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no character was charismatic. overall looks cheap

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:thumbsup: Lead actress
:thumbsup: Jousting scene
:thumbsup: C-Section scene
:thumbsup: Costuming
:thumbsup: Paddy Considine

:thumbsdown: Matt Smith & his Great Value Legolas getup
:thumbsdown: Occasionally-noticeably dodgy CGI (esp the fire in the metal chandeliers)

i had no/low expectations going in and HotD's earned watching another ep in my book

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It's finally been released!

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Well the first episode obviously did some initial grounding of the characters and set the scene of what we can somewhat expect from HotD season.

It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. I still can't get past 'Lord Corlys Velaryon' considering in the older times especially they kept in breeding as they didn't want their bloodline tainted. That is well known in the lore.

Back in GoT, Xaro Xhoan Daxos was a trader and fit well in the show, as did other ethnicities depicting different houses and regions. It just doesn't sit in the story well and is a clear token character to get a PoC into the main house. It would have been better to have a Meister role or other primary role but not Targaryen.

I always give new shows 3-4eps to either hook me or push me away, so we'll see what next week brings us.

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Watching it now.. OMG the CGI.. NOOOO.. It does not feel like GOT, its a polished bad CGI spectacle… This is horrible!

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Not bad for a first episode. The series promises.

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No one has seen it yet (22.05.2022) but already a 8.3/10. :thumbsup_tone1:

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Gave shawty a c section before c sections was even a thing. Imagine living back then and they gotta kill your wife to allow the child to live? Tough!

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A very Mediocre part... I hope HBO can up their game int he coming episodes .. Actually speaking i enjoyed 'I Am Groot' more than the 1st episode of this

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Good story building to start the show. A lot gets covered without being overwhelming.

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So far the usual GoT recipe: court intrigue, family intrigue, lots of sex and violence (with even more bloodspattering)... the caesarian scene was gruesome, Daemon lives up to his name. Well, let's see what happens next.

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Shout by ShoMok

Yea no it’s not boring at all, it’s setting things up, exploring characters, relationships and building the world. If you want some Mary Sue slicing up an Ice Troll Power Ranger Style in the first hour - you need to look elsewhere.

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Deamon sure is an arsehole. He's going to be trouble.

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It's shockingly boring. I finished it after the first episode.

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The violence is the only good thing and also this is maybe kind of bad ... i mean in the village xd

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God Matt Smith is so hot

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:heart:100% = :thumbsup_tone2:15 :thumbsdown_tone2:0 = Masterpiece!

:heart:SUPERB: 3
:white_check_mark:GREAT: 10
:pray_tone2:GOOD: 2

The opening episode establishes plenty of new characters, so it takes a good while to figure out who everybody is and how they connect. The series opens from a place that utilizes familiar concepts, places and character relations and puts them into a new setting, allowing for a familiar, yet fresh storyline. The opening effectively establishes the family rivalry that will surely be the meat of the narrative. (+3)

The cast is great, no question; Matt Smith, Paddy Considine and Rhys Ifans especially. (+3)

The characteristic violence, nudity and political scheming of the franchise are present here as well. It's almost breathtaking how tense they manage to make the entire jousting event. (+4)

Some bigger visual effects shots don't quite manage to look convincing, but it's barely noticeable. I really like the visual style, and how well it fits with the look established in GoT. The music takes cues from Ramon Djawadi's famous GoT score but creates distinct melodies. (+5)

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Boring. Rather rewatch got again…

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How old is Rhaenyra?
That birth wasn't that awful as the news told
I mean it was awful but not traumatic "I almost fainted" kind of way

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And we’re back. LFG

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that feeling when the song of the credits appears ((heart beating faster))

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The Targaryen are back, yes sir

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It's easy to be better than the last 4 seasons of GoT. It's hard to make first 4 seasons seem like a play for commoners.

So many scenes could have being easily lessen by having words in them. It feels and looks infinitely more subtle and I hate this word mature. The choice of words elevates the whole world.

I fear that the spell would be broken once more characters from lower classes would become part of the story. Or bigger fear - pace like this would be hard to keep and not cut corners: simpler words, simpler motivations, simpler rules of the world and we would once again get season 5.

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that end credits music though

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With the exception of the first 10 minutes which were insufferable in its preachiness, it was a solid episode.
I loved how they portrayed the Iron Throne as dangerous, both figuratively and literally.
The most intriguing story thread for me was Otto's plan to have his daughter get pregnant with the King's child to make sure Daemon (what a fitting name btw) doesn't get a shot at the throne. It'll be interesting to see how that will affect the friendship between Rhaenyra and Alicent.

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Shout by Neil Trout

Loved it, especially on re-watching it. I actually think Daemon would probably the best choice for heir; these were violent, brutal times. At least he’s not stark raving bonkers, as far as I can tell. The whole shipping routes thing sounds a bit boring though. They do need to raise the lighting a bit though it was hard to make out what the hell was going on sometimes, was that a scrotum on a stump or what?

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I miss George Martin plot, first episode was good but not great

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Here we go again "Game of Thrones"

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The very definition of meh. Nice to be back in ProductionValueos again but as a first episode it didn't exactly grab the attention. Tits and dragons, yes, but not much else.

For the briefest of moments I thought they were going to pull a Line of Duty and kill off Matt Smith in s01e01, but they weren't brave enough to do that.

Compare with the first episode of GoT and it doesn't stand up at all, even though it has the considerable advantage that a lot of the world building was done for the viewers over a decade ago.

Points for the score, the CGI, the production design and the acting, but it falls flat beyond that.

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Here We Go Again, Wonderful Opening :hearts::clap:

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Strike 1…
Hope it gets better

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promising series... loved the first episode

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Planning & Plotting time is on

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Shout by quab775

not much politicking as we know the iron throne politics shout-out to daemon actor

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Nice first episode. CGI didn’t look that amazing to be honest. But looking forward to the rest of the season.

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Second verse, same as the first.

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When Viserys said ''a song of ice and fire'' I started to cry, and I'm still crying! And the soundtrack is pure gold! We're back to Westeros!

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Good starting episode. The pacing is nice and dialogue clear and concise in setting up stuff for the future. I am now optimistic for this.

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