This does not deserve to be half as good as it is but somehow it's not half bad. I also appreciate that the cast, language, and stories feel like they could be actual teenagers, not adults playing teenagers or teenagers being toned down.

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I don't know why I like this show so much. Maybe because it is very meta in a lot of ways, but something about this show keeps me watching it.

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I think this is going to find its audience. A beloved High School concept. Talented cast. Good music. High School drama. Lots of fun. I've already heard one High Schooler's rave review. I give this series a 7 (good) out of 10. [High School Musical]

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HOW is this show not a total cringe-fest... why is it actually kinda good

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this is bad

it’s basically The Office: High School Musical but bad

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This is laughably bad, I watch it coz it’s funny how cringy and terrible it is

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Totally my guilty pleasure! The last episode even made me cry a little bit...

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Overall, this was just okay. I see this as being a slightly better attempt at doing what Glee tried to do. The characters were good but I can't get over that this completely feeding off the high school musical name, (which I know is the point). There's so much up and coming talent here that it's exciting to see where they will go next, (like, look at what's happened for Olivia Rodrigo already!)

This was alright, season 3 was absolute trash but the rest was enjoyable just not overly amazing.

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This is just PG Glee

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I loved the 1st season a lot, but it just went downhill from there. The 2nd season was meh, and the 3rd season was not good. Haven't watched season 4 yet so we'll see.

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this show disappoints me at every turn and I still keep watching it

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What a creative TV series for Disney as this is a Glee type of show but in a High School Musical setting presenting many different Disney originals, all while making fun at them as well. The series, although a bit short with short episodes and season lengths, is heartwarming, uplifting, drama filled, comical and inspirational telling a true tale of how anybody can be whatever they want to be and are all beautiful. It is a great thing to present to Disney's young audience by showing them the magic of old classics in a new light, as this high school theatre group puts on plays like High School Musical, Beauty and the Beast and soon, Frozen.

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I watch the show to make fun of it.

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I'm a HUGE fan of the HSM franchise was so disappointed when I found out they're making a series of HSM instead of HSM4. But since I love Disney I decided to give it a chance and I'm glad I did. It's quite cringy but it's a feel-good young adult musical drama series. Also some songs are quite good.

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I hate teenagers
The cast all have talent tho

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I want whoever decided to film it like this* fired. Other than that it's really not bad, as people make it out to be.

  • this - hand-held shakyness, weird close-ups for no reason
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