"Are you saying to be ashamed of our bodies? a naked body has been appreciated for centuries as a piece of art" Sure, we're not talking about art are we? If your memory is of a goldfish and you need a refresher: we're talking about the shitty pictures of your private parts you send to someone and how not to regret it later. This is not about the Birth of Venus. Why are the writers playing it as if it's the moment to show off their fake wokeness? Like,,, come on, everyone in that SLT class, especially the girls, should know that the teacher was talking about the dangers of your nude appearing in the hand of someone you wouldn't want your nudes to be. How it can ruin lives and not just while still in high school.

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I'm not a huge fan of how autism was/is portrayed, well, regarding its masking. I myself am not on the spectrum (afaik), but my brother is, and I have multiple friends that are, too, and they are doing some pretty seriously noticeable masking. As a viewer, Quinni has behaved like her unmasked self most of the time so far, only the restaurant scene was what I would call her masking, so I'm really not sure how Sasha didn't realize that Quinni is on the spectrum...
In any case, I don't have autism and I'm not a professional by any means, these are just my thoughts on this particular storyline.

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Honestly i don’t like the autism rep because who even gets over sensory overload that fast. like she was just in the bathroom for like 5 minutes and then was suddenly fine back in the party?? like come on. its because shows want some glamorous version of Autism to continue their storyline

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Nice so far but nothing special

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