all that hype for arizona only for her to do a surgery they could’ve given to the new peds doc. she didn’t mention even callie (knew her mentioning alex would be a stretch) or have a scene with teddy or richard. like she and bailey were fun but that’s it? that was her big cameo? a waste.

especially for the 20th season like where’s the intrigue and fun.

the new interns were refreshing but now they’re jaded and dragging the punishment plot and it’s boring. im bored.

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So, this time Arizona returns to perform medical miracles... well, Amelia does the work really, she's just there to inject a baby in utero with an anaesthetic. Honestly, do we need those former colleagues to tell Bailey how much better she was in the past? I, at least, don't.

Then there's the usual intern drama - don't care. Please get rid of Griffith - she's only there to add more drama to Adams anyway, as she has zero personality. Focus more on Mika please.

I really think this show has outlived itself.

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I am so tired of Adams and Griffith's characters..

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I like her brother. Let's keep him.

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