After treating Karev like crap, now it’s the turn of DeLuca who’s getting completely destroyed. I can’t believe that Schmitt became the only somewhat interesting character in this show - despite the fact that all his “gay” storylines are stereotypical.

Can Grey’s Anatomy hires writers who do not despise male characters?

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Of course he was right. Of course.

If you didn't see that coming from 10 miles away, you're not paying close enough attention. It was very clear from the very beginning the "crazy" guy was actually gonna turn out to be right about the human trafficking thing. So, so predictable. And predictable is boring. You need to try harder, writers.

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this would've been a good episode if that woman was caught, but since she got away i fckin hated that

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Wow Meredith actually appears several times on this episode! She’s barely on screen these days.

DeLuca deserves better! DeLuca deserves so much better!

Jo and Schmitt is the brotp I didn’t know I needed.

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That Deluca bit- wow. I could see why they thought it was a bipolar delusion on his part though since it's in his family and he's been a bit wired lately.

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OK, so Alex abruptly leaving was terribly handled but I think I'm kind of into the prospect of Jo and Schmidt being flatmates? I've long thought Schmitt could do better than Nico, anyway, so good riddance.

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Shout by Evelyn

If you go in without much expectations, it is good enough, nothing over the top, but engaging and entertaining enough.
Richard is on a new path and I'd love for him to continue a father/son like connection with Jackson.
Delucca being right AND manic at the same time is pretty interesting, Hayes is still a bore to me. Link and Amelia are cute, Teddy is annoying, I want this triangle to be resolved already.
Jo and Levi bonding is sweet.
Overall, for such a long running thing, it is acceptable, I can see why it wasn't shut down yet.

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The circle was such a heartbreaking moment!

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