Honestly, I'm loving Amelia and Link togehter. They click.

And seeing them is making it so painfully obvious how Meredith and DeLuca just don't work. They have no chemistry. I feel like she's too much of a mother figure to him.

Honestly, DeLuca is turning into another Owen. And as things are right now, one Owen is already proving to be quite annoying. We certainly don't need two.

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Good episode, if a little heavy-handed with the gender queer patient - those particular scenes came across as A Very Special Episode.

That patient aside, I really enjoyed the maths geek storyline; likeable patient/family and funny moments.

I half agree with Anto's comment: Meredith and DeLuca don't match Amelia and Link for chemistry, but I still quite like them together - I certainly don't think DeLuca is anywhere near as insufferable as Owen. I'll admit that Meredith and DeLuca don't feel like a long-term prospect. I actually wouldn't be surprised if they don't make it to the season's end.

Speaking of Owen, I hope he doesn't split-up Teddy and Tomas as I like them together - as a tangent, I love Greg Germann on the show and I can see that if this were to happen it could easily prompt his character to leave the show.

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Thank you so much, Koracick! <3

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