This is the first time I actually loved Jo. I have never liked the character much but this episode was so intense and you could just feel the heartbreak and angst. Meredith was superb, a real lioness looking after her own. Brilliant episode.

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Holy shit, this episode got me good. I was a blubbering mess every time I saw Jo’s face. Really amazing and heartbreaking work from the actress, she was completely able to convey everything Jo was going through. She was the star of the episode. God, I love this show. Always dealing with really important and meaningful subjects.

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Not that I'm condoning it or anything, but getting hit by a car? Yeah, he had it coming. Silver lining to Jo's creepy, abusive ex-hubby showing up? Getting to see Meredith's momma bear, protective side. It was wonderful to see her have Jo's back.

Also, I'm not feeling this whole Maggie/Jackson thing. Let's please not make the thing a thing.Seriously, let's just not.

Also, also. Grey's Anatomy's got it's very own Felicity Smoak. And he's every bit as awesome. Even though we probably won't, I do hope we get to see him again. He's certainly a lot more interesting than a lot of the new interns. That's for sure.

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OMG!! This episode was super intense.
Poor Jo, that guy is a MONSTER.
Why the other woman didn't listen to her??
Who did that to the guy?? I don't think it was Alex...
Meredith was amazing in this episode.
Bailey and the intern hacker was super funny.
April is Badass!!
I'm so glad Maggie said NO to the 'drink'. Really Jackson??? You know the truth...
Thank God they're back.

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The way they wrote Paul was horrifying and the actor did a great job. He was so manipulative and charming and I knew he was lying but I still found myself being tricked by him. Jo was phenomenal in this episode too: it was one of the only times I've enjoyed her character and I felt so, so awful for her.

Also all my love to our Trans King!! Casey Parker. I adore him. My favorite intern from this group.

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