OMG!! I love the scenes between Arizona and Sofia!!
They're so adorable!!! I love it!!! I missed that!!
Now I'm sad that this is going to be their last season.
April needs help!! She reached bottom. I really don't know what is going on right now.
She needs a person to talk about it.
I'm not a fan of Jackson and Maggie's relationship. It feels so wrong! Maybe it's just me...
It's Owen finally gonna tell Teddy how he feel about her??
I like this new version of Jo. She's more focus and badass.

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Man, I'm REALLY not going to miss April or Arizona when they're gone.

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April has officially gone off the deep end. How's the hospital not forcing to see a therapist and not letting her work until she gets the all clear? Clearly she has some form of PTSD or something.

Thank goodness for Jo and Meredith. Theirs is the only story-line I'm finding remotely interesting at present. This season has been a complete crapfest.

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Shout by Evelyn

I feel like the writers really miss an interesting character, which is DeLuca. Their relationship with Bello was portrayed really shallow.
I hope they'll evolve him soon in some way.
Perhaps they need to let Alex go for that first :(
The April situation is written really awkwardly, things going all over the place. She could've had a nice continuing relationship with Keracick, they had a lot in common and an interesting chemistry. But I realize this is the way of writing her off the show.
And the situation with Arizona is already so predicted, she'll move to New York with Sofia to give her a steadier home between herself and Callie.

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An episode thar starts w Owen and Amelia of course that's bad
What they r doin w my April? :'((

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