i just started crying for some reason like i love richard he's my favourite character that's still in the series and just feel like they're constantly trying to write him off the show

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I hated that Eliza doctor... not only she was full on arrogant faking being nice when it was clearly an act, but to actually intentionally harm a patient to prove a point is not only unethical but also irresponsible towards a patient that trust doctors to do what is best for them.
I don't see what is the fuss between Amelia and Owen, she had already told him about the baby she lost back when April lost her baby, so an adult conversation between the two of them about her doubts regarding getting pregnant was obvious... It's annoying when the writers run out of ideas to get a couple to be dramatic and just start to recycle old stories with far less good writing than the first time.

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Like Maggie said, she is an ass but she’s right.

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Could someone PLEASE just give poor Owen Hunt a baby please?!
Like, seriously.
Kudos to the actor though, I could just see him saying "AGAIN?!" inwardly when Emilia shouted at him "I DON'T WANT A BABY".
Though as already noted, this drama between them seemed forced, like they don't have any other way to make them interesting anymore (though I wasn't sure about this pairing from the beginning, tbh.)

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Difficult one and an interesting way to shake things up. I love Richard, I do but the teaching program has to move with change like all institutions do following more research and knowledge.
Eliza is strong and intelligent. Gonna be interested in getting to know her! (also looks like a potential match for Arizona! <3)

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"That name attached to that face? No, that's not one you forget." -Eliza to Arizona...
O.M.G!!! She's the love interest!!!
Oh boy... I don't know if i really gonna like her or hate her...
Bailey vs Webber? This is NOT good.
April on Tinder was so funny.
Owen & Amelia or Emilio (LOL) Need too talk.
This episode was interesting.

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Meh. the people who left were being replaced. Riggs was a replacement for Shepherd, now Eliza is going to replace Callie Torres. Note the similarities of their features too. This is getting old. Rhonda! End this show properly already!

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