OMG! This episode was AMAZING!!
The silence, the agonies, the tension, the drama.
When the kids arrive with my lovely Arizona & Alex was so intense.
Bravo Ellen Pompeo, you're a wonderful actress.
Alex is the best friend you need in your life. He has change for a better. I'm proud of him.
Amelia is trying, let's hope she can have the good sister relationship back with Mer.
The whole cast was INCREDIBLE.
I still don't like Penny, at least make a good storyline for her (Without Callie because they don't have chemistry)
Thank God they're back!!
I love this show!

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This episode was just...WOW! Every feeling, every sensation, every silence, was fulfilled with emotions! Meredith and Alex have something so intense, even in the worse moments they're able to laugh: I love their friendship and the evolution of the Alex's character. Penny is going to show everybody who she really is: a fighter, a real one, and I think the fans should stop to blame her, she's not the reason of Derek's death. I still hope Callie&Arizona have a chance, just like April&Jackson. Amelia, such a complex character. I love her everyday more and more and she deserves to be loved and understand. She's the best character the show could ever have. By the way, just one word for this episode and the whole cast: SUPERLATIVE.

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it's kind of episode that makes you cry and laugh and just do not want it to end! well done Shonda it's great episode to say welcome back to the Series that become part of our life , actually i could say they become a family ,our family.
Welcome back Grey's Anatomy!!

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Probably one of the best Grey's episodes I've ever seen!
The first one directed by Denzel Washington and he was able to make several minutes of silence the perfect genius! And of course with the help of the Ellen Pompeo and Justin Chambers's great interpretations.
Heart touching!

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The kind of episode that makes you fall in love with Grey's all over again, amazing!

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What an amazing episode. I really don‘t get why people hate on this show so much and say it should have ended. I enjoy watching it a lot.

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Shout by Deleted

P.S. I kept thinking where's Cristina? I mean I know Sandrah Oh left the show, but the character Cristina would not NOT have been there for Mer in this situation. HOW COULD SHE NOT COME TO VISIT? On the other hand, Alex is someone to LOVE in this show veresus some one we used to LOVE TO HATE. What growth of character and friendship. Makes me wish for friendship like that.

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Shout by Deleted

This episode is the best thing I have seen in a long time. I balled my eyes out! When Richard gave the speach to Mer about how she must forgive Amelia.... Man oh man,. Thw words: "you must forgive Derek for dying too soon" hit home so hard that I was crying and saying I CAN'T and thinking of my dad that died 2 years ago. I can't forgive him for leaving too soon.

Not to mention the artistry of the directing, the writing... W O W!! The silence. The way Meridith's loss of hearing was portrayed could not have been made any better. You could feel her pain, and confusion. The hurt of her kids being afraid. What she yet again lost, the emotional pain. Her having a panick attack. I have no words. I need to rewatch this episode AGAIN. it was THAT good!

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My god ... The silent part was so :open_mouth:‍:dash:

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This has to be one of the nest episodes of Greys yet! It was so poignant and incredibly developed.

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why the hell is Amelia apologizing??!?! Meredith should be the one to apologize not her!
Meredith deserved that with what she made Amelia go through!

I have no idea why im still watching this show as Meredith is getting harder and harder to like with each episode, which is problematic as she is the mc

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Shout by AJ

Yeah. She goes deaf and nobody thinks of writting the stuff instead of speaking with her? For several days? Yup. That isn't stupid at all... :rolling_eyes:

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Holy hell that was a journey. Fantastic episode in production and acting.
The damn village came through for Mere but Alex was a superstar. I'm so glad he's become such an amazing friend. As with all great Grey's episodes this one had a powerful opening and closing statement. Definitely one I'll be thinking on.

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best episode ever!! Now we talking

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