I don't want to choose a side.
I want them to be happy!!
#TeamSofia all the time.
Callie... come on. SHE IS HER DAUGHTER!! AND your daughter too!!
Why will Penny will have a say?? YOU'RE NOTHING!!
That wasn't talking, Callie you already choose what to do.!!
That's NOT OK!!
Arizona... you need to calm down a little.
Do not say things you probably regret in the future.
You guys need to choose her happiness!!
Next week is gonna be SO SAD!!
My hearth is broke!
How can I have hopes after this??
This just crossed the line!

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Oh what a tangled web we weave!
First of all: Ben. He needs a good smack in the mouth. He needs to own his mistake and take the punishment. Also needs to understand the situation Bailey is in when giving that punishment. He's being a butt hurt little boy about it frankly and seems more about him feeling emasculated by her salary and power. Shame on him for taking that job anyway!

It's good that Hunt is working through some stuff but still can't bring myself to like him. Amelia deserves and needs better.

Callie... Oh Callie. Not only are you lowering yourself and your career for a woman (who has not asked that of you!) you're waaaay jumping the gun. She doesn't have a right to be shocked about Arizona calling a lawyer coz she has clearly been researching and applying for stuff regardless so no matter what line she's spinning, her mind has been made up. Out of order!
Ending on a sweeter note, it's nice that April and Jackson are healing and Maggie is such a sweetheart bless her. Not expecting to care so much for her new found family. <3

Solid Grey's drama

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Very strange stuff going on. Bailey is like trying to make Ben into her ex who sat at home and whined about her hours.
And telling that his earnings aren't needed because she has a more paying job? Imagine if a man would tell that to a woman, that's offensive.
I think he's going to find some solace on the side soon, the way she treats him.
He made a mistake and wasn't cool about it and that's why he's not allowed to perform surgeries. But feels like she's really going too hard on him.
She was much more forgiving towards her interns in the Danny mayhem in the first season.

And again, they make Callie stupid, butchering such an awesome character, mom and woman. And again, I think it could be nice to hook her with another guy like Sloan, it can have much more fun back-and-forths, and that way Arizona would be her only real love, she never had that kind if chemistry with anyone else. It's really weird and unnatural with Penny :pensive:

OMG, maybe they should have some kind of fling with Ben :see_no_evil: weird, but not unimaginable, and that provide A LOT of drama.

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Starting with Callie... so OOC, and so disrespectful to Arizona making all the decisions and then faking it by saying to her that they will talk about it. Just like Arizona said, Callie started it and now there are consequences.
Amelia really saved the life of that little boy by making sure he understands that it wasn't his fault and that he didn't mean to. Same applied to Owen, time to forgive himself.
And for the first time I can understand Jo, she was all by herself and she needed protection whatever way she got it, so it made sense that she owned a gun
Even though I think Ben needs to be humble a bit over what happened but I also agree that since he is cut out of the Residency program, nothing stops him from actually go back to his anesthesiologist job.

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aaaaaaand grey's anatomy is at its peak again. wonderful episode that left me in a puddle of tears.

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