Slow episode, felt like just a filler :pensive:

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Really like where the Empire plot is going.

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Slow but it’s obviously setting things up for the future.

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Episode after episode, this show is drowning into an useless chaos

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What happened to this show.
Everything seems to connected by coincidences and magic.

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The only thing that really bothers me is Sareth's acting and unnatural movements all the time. She makes weird movements with her shoulders and face, 'jumpy' like, it distracts, detracts and drives me mad. Such a waste, because she's beautiful and if she could just stop overacting and be natural, the performance would be better. Maybe she tried emulating Cercei from GOT or the editing, but it doesn't work. Sigh, can't wait for her to be written out.

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As much as I love Lee Pace, I could care less about the Empire storyline. Like where is this even going.

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So, we're on Ignis where the second foundation was planned to be.

And while Day and Dominion get closer, Dusk is making plans in the background. At least, there's some interesting tidbits there with the way Empire loses memories. (On the other hand, I wouldn't expect Empire to have many different memories if they're only stuck in their tower - of course the first one's going to have more since he founded the whole system, therefore had more interaction with others and simply more experience, supposedly.)

I hope this picks up speed soon, otherwise I'm going to use this show as a virtual sleeping pill...

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