Amazing finale .. what a show! Felt a little but disappointed after the first 3 episodes, but it eventually paid of ! Cannot wait for season 3! 9/10

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Season finale was:fire::fire:. The build up and ending to the storylines were surprisingly great.

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So we shippin foundation v1 Harry and demerzel now?

Jokes aside, what a finale!

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A great and gripping final season episode. The best by far. :thumbsup_tone1:

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Honestly I didn't like it. I don't think I will continue watching. Season 1 was really good but I really don't like where Season 2 is going. It's all over the place.

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Wow! This season has been great but this episode was the biggest payoff we've gotten yet, so many things changing to make way for what now actually resembles an end of the line for Empire - however long it may still take to get there.

The added twist that it would seem that The Mule is a self-realizing prophecy just as much as Hober Mallow's summoning makes the whole thing more interesting. I also look forward to seeing the repercussions of Sareth and that Cleon getting away, a few generations down the line.

Watching that smug POS Day spacing himself was the cherry on top. :rofl:

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where did they dig up this story line.?

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Birn deserves every acting award that might be coming her way after this one -- just an incredible performance on her part. But really, pretty much all of the primary actors in this one were impressive and brought their A-games to the party.

The story, too, moved forward at a decent pace and offered several characters some truly decent exits.

Overall, I have no complaints about this one.

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On one hand I like how this shows makes massive jumps in the overall timeline, on the other hand I hate how characters you've grown to love or hate just vanish in an instant because of these jumps in time.

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Crazy that Harry and Gaal, s just continue to keep jumping ahead in time and every character we grew to enjoy alongside them just disappears into the history books except Demerzel and the clones, but there is some hope with Alternate Harry saving the people of Foundation.. maybe they will come along for the ride. Great show

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It was a banger of an end to a good season. I really loved Hari’s backstory that we got to see. It was quite poignant and masterfully done. The guest Indian actress was unbelievably awesome in that episode. And we got to see the continuation of what actually happened to Hari after that in a very moving way. My only gripe with the series is that it has turned into a fantasy show rather than sticking only with the science fiction element. Don’t get me wrong. I like a good fantasy show but the fantasy element feels out of place in the Foundation universe that they have created. And I thought the books were also science fiction so I don’t know why they decided to go this route. I hope they don’t drag this supernatural stuff for too long and focus more on psychohistory which sounds quite intriguing and they set it up perfectly.

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Too many fake deaths. Now when they actually happen, you just don’t care.

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It felt too rushed, and like others said, things happened just for the sake of it happening.

Still a fun show, but season 1 was much better.

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See what I mean? That unpredictable holographic little fucker...

Anyway, the whole "there's a gun casually lying around for anyone to grab" thing kinda prevented this season finale from reaching it's full potential, for me.

So, we'll have a fully rebooted Empire next season, surely more carefully brainwashed by Demerzel. As long as we'll also have my boy Hari to psycho-history the crap out of everyone, I'm sure things will be fine.

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Well, if you make everything a possibilty in the show just for the sake of surprising audience, then you take away the excitement and curiosity of your audience. Worst of it is how they painted a world with science but turned that into a fantasy world.

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So Garfield cloned odie and took him to a far away place to develop Sintex-19. During the flight to mars, they discovered that the new atmosphere could be marketed by Kellogs and turned into a new breakfast ceral called blurred vision. in the end, everyone sat down to milk and cookies

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Episodes 8 and 9 were great. Really good stuff! Unfortunately, episode 10 was all over the place like the rest of the season. :confused:

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Solid finale but felt like it lacked the energy that the past several episodes brought. Hope it gets renewed for season 3.

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