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Season 2

Can't fault the visual appeal of the show but boy does the story draaaaaaaaag in this season, so much padding that doesn't advance the story at all.

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Showrunners pictured a show that is based on science and math but the show shifted really fast after "I feel the future" part towards the end of season 1 and in season 2 you'll see people who can fly and throw or control other people with their mind. That kind of sudden change didn't serve well for season 2.

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What an amazing season!

After season 1, I was on board with some doubt, but still hopeful. After season 2, I'm so hyped for what's coming next. The last few episodes were top notch!Season 3: Hari vs. Dermezel? Let's go!

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Brilliantly written and acted season. Lots of layers developed through the first 7 episodes that provided an amazing final 3 episodes. Some of the best science fiction writing on TV right now.

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I am finding season 2 very difficult to watch. I keep changing the channel ……I am stuck on the episode 2. Please does it get any better! lol

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High production value, but the writing was awful. It goes from a complete mess at the start, to middling and predictable, to "quick, invent a bunch of plot twists to conveniently wrap everything up". For a scifi, way too much was about magic powers, and it felt like they were inventing new rules every episode. Don't waste your time.

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Very uneven season - the first half drags on, but the second half really delivers. I think I'll keep watching.

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The best science fiction series in 2023.

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I quite enjoyed season 1, but it now feels like a completely different show.

It now feels like a Firefly knock-off instead of the intricate, thought provoking, and deeply engaging story that was crafted in season 1. I didn't read the books, but it's painfully obvious that they steered this completely off the rails and tried to update it with 21st century sensibilities.

I'll watch Firefly if I want to watch that kind of show. I don't begrudge them trying to capture that same magic, but that's not what this show was to start with. Changing the entire feel of the show in season 2 has really put me off.

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This is probably the biggest surprise of the year for me. I did not like season 1, and I was pretty much ready to DNF season 2 halfway through. And yet, it’s second half not only kept me tuning in, but also skyrocketed the show up the ranks. The show drops some of its self-seriousness to embrace the goofiness, and it finally focuses on its real strength (Lee Pace and The Empire) instead of some of the more annoying characters.

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After a middling season 1, season 2 is almost like a different show.

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