It just baffles me this type of comments where people complain of the time jumps. It is not that hard to understand and the books did the same thing jumping every 50 years or so. Go along with the story, this is not about individuals or specific characters, this is about foundation and the story of this plan no one knew how could save the empire.

Great show with great production value and a script well written that delivers information in different ways without explaining everything to everybody.

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Tonight I learned that if your bright and shiny spaceship can be brought down by what is little more than a rock, then you might want to keep your bright and shiny spaceship out of range of any rocks. On a more serious note, I was once again disappointed by a scenario in which being a person of faith and being a person of reason/science are presented as being mutually exclusive. It is particularly annoying in this sort of a setting, given that many of the most significant astronomical and mathematical discoveries in human history were made by men and women who were far from being atheists.

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Seems like a real big set up, and they better deliver or this is going to be all the bigger disappointment.

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This episode really misses the Empire stuff (and Lee Pace), but the forward momentum on Terminus is welcome at least.

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Wow. Best Episode since the Pilot!
It’s exciting, beautifully done and makes me want more and more. Great Sci-fi.
People yammering on about all kinds of things in these comments. Either too simple minded to understand what’s going on or just too lazy to be bothered. Great Show so far!

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Big ship taken out with one shot ? Must have been Luke Skywalker maning the gun.

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There's this quote from the showrunner Goyer from an interview:

Game of Thrones was really the first of these big, giant novelistic shows, and now with Foundation we can tell the story hopefully over the course of 80 episodes, 80 hours, as opposed to trying to condense it all into two or three hours for a single film

This episode felt just like a weird filler episode drawing out its very short plot from a few minutes to close to an hour just to have an episode. 80 hours of this? No, thanks.

If you need so much time to tell a very complicated story, a story so complicated that you jump back and forth in time constantly, perhaps do not waste it on Gaal "I have to see it for myself" Dornick prompting around missing authorization for where she is while Terminus is at war. The dichotomy of these two made Gaals scenes even more absurd, taking away any impact it could have had.
Never read Asmiov's work (yet) but I can see why people are disappointed about the direction of this.

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Well, at least some stuff happened and an actual storyline began to form. It’s still moving way too slow though.

First thing out of the Warden’s mouth should have been, “They have a cloaked canon!” Having to suspend common sense and reality like that is a sign of lazy writers who don’t know how to avoid holes in the story.

For those thinking this got “renewed”, it didn’t. It was a two season deal with Apple from the start. Delaying the announcement of a next season (already being filmed in this case) is a Hollywood trick to make people think a show is doing better than it actually may be.

For me this show is still a dud.

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The first half of this episode felt like filler… showing in detail what’s already been explained to us. (Though I’m all in for the gorgeous design of Synnax).

Things move along much better in the second half. Hopefully we start gaining some momentum in this series that I think has potential but has yet to deliver it.

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The punching and kicking is lame but the overall plot is intriguing

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Feels like I watched an episode of Star Wars. Why do hundreds of Stormtroopers -- err I mean Anacreonian soldiers with guns completely miss every target except for one stray shot?

Got some really cheesy fighting scenes in this one too, clearly the tremendous effects budget and team couldn't fix this one.

I wish they'd just stick to developing the plot that is being unveiled at glacier speed in a pointlessly convoluted order so I could figure out if I should drop the show. For instance, we were already told what Gaal faced on her home world preceding the events of the story and it felt really washed out because we didn't experience it. Now that some time passed and we just accepted the character's history, we're subjected to a flashback showing us what we already know and it ends up losing almost all of its impact.

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The parts on Terminus are boring - don't care about any of the characters. I'd rather like to know about the Vault.

Gaal... we already know she comes from an ultraorthodox world where science is heresy... and that was elaborated on here. But I don't quite understand why she isn't executed, only ostracized, when the guy whose books she recovered was executed. And of course, Seldon's death wasn't quite that simple. And please, less technobabble. Gaal's a genius, I don't need endless minutes/diagramms pointing out that fact.

However, the most interesting parts remain the Empire-trinity. It's an interesting setup with inbred conflict - would any of us like to only be surrounded by identical copies, without conflict? No so sure about that.

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Are Disney on the way to ruin this sci-fi classic as they did to Star Wars, I hope not, but this episode doesn’t fill me with hope for the series

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all of these time jumps are starting to interfere with the enjoyment of the series. every other shot i'm asking myself if it's a continuation of the current time or if we've skipped time again.

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Ugh, not another damn time jump

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Very difficult to follow. Back and forward.

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