Much more intense! I didn't expect to be siding with Beatrix at this point, she looked truely distraught I hope Bloom breaks her out. Poor Stella, seemed a little out of nowhere though, and I expected her mother to be A LOT more abusive than that.

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So now we're made to distrust anyone who's been acting, as far as we know, for the better of everyone. Beatrix' story is believable, but still, she's a manipulative, psychotic killer, mh, actually, she's been lying a lot herself, despite having "good excused" as to why.
All that doesn't look too good on her, but it still makes me distrust the ulterior motives of the teachers a little bit. Just a little.

Because her entire argument(s) kind of rests on the "fact" that Rosalind implanted a true memory.

And that might not be the case. We have no idea who she really is, and why she's imprisoned.

So I'm still siding with the grown ups (well, besides another manipulative, psychotic Luna) and hope they and the kids will find common ground. They're not very wise on how though, going back on the "you know what you have to know", "a soldier just takes order" etc. That was a bit disappointing to see.

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6.5/10 - It's getting interesting and I'm starting to like this show. After the first episode I was afraid that this would probably be a waste of time but I'm actually liking (most of) the characters now (the characters/acting aren't that great IMO but the personalities and relationships are building up).

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