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Farscape 1999

One of the best science fiction shows of the 20th century!

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What a series :)
The main characters are played by Ben Browder and Claudia Black. The two are also main characters in SG-1 seasons 9-10. And what should I say. The writers who wrote the roles for them are genius. Besides the mythology, the series is heavily character driven and this is what makes it so... different and genius. Season 1 isn't very interesting, but with season 2 onwards the episodes are getting more open to the overall story arc and mythology. In season 2 a complex villain is introduced. This villain and the characters of Ben Browder and Claudia Black are getting one of the best conversations besides LOST, but in a different way... I can't explain it, it's very unique and everytime I think "who wrote this? This is awesome". Sometimes the series doesn't take it self serious, not that it drives itself ridiculously, and that makes it so special and funny and also very very dark from time to time.

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'Well, this space man is going home. Lock up the women and hide the fried chicken!' Gotta love John Crichton.

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One of the more unique science fiction shows that has been made - and one of the reasons for this was the use of Jim Henson's creature shop giving us some of the most unique looking aliens that has been on screen. The chemistry between Claudia Black and Ben Browder was also out of this world. "Farscape" managed to combine serious epic sci fi storytelling, romance, weirdness, alien sex and comedy into one big package. It was filled with some great gimmick episodes like the "Looney Tunes" one. Only the first half of the first season is lackluster and ordinary lacking the twists and surprises that would come later. Be prepared to see the miniseries too that followed as the ending was especially cruel when it was cancelled after it's fourth season.

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Well i think this one is highly underrated for Sci-Fi. its really enjoyable.. Scorpius i still feel like hes in my head..

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Either you love Farscape or you hate it. I don't think there is anything between. I love it and even after more than 15 years it's still one of my favorite shows for many reasons and I rewatch like every two years. Farscape is absolutly crazy, smart, sexy, funny and heartbreaking. There are no resets with this shows. Characters grow, they chage and evolve. Actions have consequenses and when you think you have seen everything in the genre Farscape does something new.

It has an epic story and even more epic love story to tell. Yes, it needs some time to get into, but don't dismiss it because of it, or worse because it has puppets.

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Shout by Deleted

This show is so frelled up. Probably one of the main reasons why I love it.

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The year is 1987, and N.A.S.A. launches
the last of America's deep space probes.
In a freak mishap, Ranger 3 and
its pilot Captain William "Buck" Rogers
are blown out of their trajectory
into an orbit which freezes his
life support systems,
and returns Buck Rogers to Earth...
five-hundred years later.

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Probably difficult to 'enter" Farscape in 2023... The global look & feel is quite old, simular to the original Star Trek series. It was probably fantastic when it came out on screens but it was too difficult for me, even after the 5 first episodes. I was more easy for me to watch The 100 even 10 years after the release.

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What started off a bit silly ended up being one of the greatest SciFi shows I've ever seen. It's a grand old time.

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What started off a bit silly ended up being one of the greatest SciFi shows I've ever seen. It's a grand old time.

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OMG, I'm three episodes in and this is terrible. I am definitely going to watch every single episode to see if it gets better.

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Miss Farscape so much. Really hope the rumours of a reboot come true.

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This is an incredible series! It first aired in 1999, making it approximately 21yrs old and it’s still phenomenal.

The amount of craftsmanship gone in to the production of this, is crazy! There’s minimal CGI, leaving it to highly skilled teams to create sets, costumes, makeup artists etc. The aliens 98% of the time are works of art. I commended all who worked on this series.

The story and actors are phenomenal too. Scorpious, the arch nemesis of John is so scary, enough to give you nightmares!

It’s not without faults, but very few; I personally feel some of season 4 became a bit boring, silly and went off plot. But, thankfully it did steer back.

I remembering catching a few parts of episodes, when it originally aired, but I never got to watch any. I was extremely excited to find the whole series recently on Amazon, where I’ve watched every single episode.

I think this will always remain an iconic show.

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It took me a few episodes to get into it but I'm glad I stuck with it. It's the best sci-fi series I've seen. It's what Firefly could have been if it wasn't just one season.

E.t.a... I swear there's a newer song out on the radio that samples bits of the song 1812 was humming/playing

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Shout by Deleted

its a great scifi, eventhou i dont like the john character, i must admit its awsome scifi and story

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