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Fargo: Season 5

5x08 Blanket

Wow, perfect portrait of the far right

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RIP to a real one

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just once in my life I want to feel half as smug as eyepatch lawyer leaving the sheriff debate

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Dang. You'd think Ole Munch would be the creepy character this season. Seems it is that looney Roy Tillman after all.
Some great acting from Jon Hamm this episode.

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The Tillman clones was the first great thing in this season :sweat_smile:

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Above all else, this season is about how certain types of men treat women, how they build structures under and within the patriarchy that give them impunity to do so, and how women either accede to these conditions—or push back and are punished. This episode is the most clear-headed articulation of that thesis (if I'm correct in describing it as such), and it's absolutely devastating.

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Fantastic stuff. Best episode of the season so far.

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That was a real heart-in-throat suspenseful episode throughout, especially with that content warning upfront . Hamm's face morphing throughout that long take as the cover plays ( is just so chilling and foreboding, then the following sequence, including the bit with the chain, is an early contender for scariest TV scene of the year.

Also, RIP Danish :cry: Dave Foley was such a fun supporting presence; at least he got a pretty forefront episode before this character went.

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Roy fooking Tillman!!!

the way he was embarassed. the walk to the shed. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccckkkkkkkkk. mind-blowing. nutt hardening and notill gardening!!! can't wait for next episode

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I love song "you can do mo at the po people sto." :slight_smile::slight_smile:

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If someone had told me, after just watching ep. 02, that Gator would slowly, but surely, become my fave character this season I would've let 'em know that their crystal ball's seriously broken. At that time, I seriously couldn't stand seeing him appear onscreen at all, but Joe Keery's killing it, too, this season. All the talk's about Mr. Hamm & Ms. Temple, deservedly so, but I don't think a 3rd-Emmy nom's outta the question. I don't know if there's enough time left for a full-fledged Gator redemption arc, but I really hope he'll put the vape down for a sec & see his actual reality for what it is & freakin' help Dot!! He may never get the chance, though, considering who's sitting behind him in his cop car. Anyway, that was an excellent ep!!

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Shout by YZY
BlockedParent2024-01-03T22:49:43Z— updated 2024-01-22T19:53:48Z

The vape is so cringe

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Shout by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2024-01-31T20:24:03Z— updated 2024-02-03T09:50:26Z

  • I had my doubts. But this pirate lawyer deserves his 911 Carrera. He earned it. He's good [and this leads to overconfidence]. In contemporary America it isn't even unthinkable that a political debate like that couldn't happen. It's almost sad he had to go.
  • It's shocking that Roy's third wife is like that. But I guess that's what domestic abuse does to families. It's like a chain reaction. The weakest person in this chain suffers the most. Third wife is probably the most interesting (and most underrated and underused) character in this episode. The show could perhaps try to explore what made her, Roy's victim, also a co-abuser.
  • God bless Britney for this song. Didn't know this song could be that scary. The era of low cut jeans wasn't always great but this US/Swedish song is one of the greatest pop songs of all time. In the scene when Roy walks towards the barn, this song makes Roy even scarier than he used to be. Way above average performance by Hamm. Aesthetically, this short scene is perhaps one of the best scenes in this show ever.
  • What's that with the albatros? Can someone explain?
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Boring as fuck and predictable...This season could be wrapped up in 1 episode. Great production, scenery, and music/sound but if I want art piece, I'll go to a fucking museum or go see a broadway play.

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