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Fargo: Season 5

5x10 Bisquik

i thought I'd enjoy the final episode, but I did not expect to ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!

These final 18 minutes had me sitting on the edge of my seat in anticipation... the conclusion was an absolute joy

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Fantastic finale. I absolutely loved this season.. give Sam Spruell all the awards. That whole final sequence was really just incredible.

RIP Whit :( He was too pure for this world.

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A man watched and he was satisfied.

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That last scene - that final shot - of this season’s Fargo finale is one of the most surprisingly moving and uplifting things I have ever seen on TV.

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Killing the topper (Witt Farr) for no reason at all was exactly the ending I expected from this season. I'm surprised they didn't also kill the husband since he was the only other likeable character.

None of the main characters were likeable, they continuously made pathetically poor life choices it was just incredibly frustrating to watch.

The way each season has been worse than the previous season makes me hope they just cancel the show here. I guess in one sense the next season couldn't possibly be any more unrealistic, but I wouldn't be surprised if they found a way again.

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This season has been fantastic. Glad the show is back on track after an awful season 4.

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This finale was a bit underwhelming given all the buildup in the penultimate episode, quickly wrapping up the more urgent loose threads. I did enjoy the comedy of Munch with the Lyons in the final act, and the final shot was effective. Not my favorite season, as it's hard to measure up to the thrill of seasons 1 and 2, but not an overall disappointment like 3 and 4.

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A man has a code. The man should not sit through 10 hours of boring show.

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awesome season. enjoyed it thoroughly plus dorothy was amazing

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Wayne has the worst survival instincts of any TV character I've ever seen lol

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Fantastic finale. I think I loved the second part even better than the first. Sam Spruell and Juno Temple were absolutely captivating in that last scene and played off of each other perfectly. After a mediocre (S3) and bad (S4) season, this was a very welcome return to form for the series.

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A man has a code.

This was a very peaks-and-troughs season for me, but the finale kinda locked it all into place and I think I'm coming away pretty positively overall. It's by no means a fantastic piece of television, but it is a good season of Fargo; its core message of compassion and understanding is refreshing and wholesome, even if you have to push through some grim topics and large, heavy-handed American political allegories to get there.

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I wish I could say I liked the last act of the episode as much as everyone else but I thought it dragged for a bit too long. Ole almost became too cartoon-y (especially in the kitchen). Wayne's naivety was frustrating (you let anyone in, huh? And subtly threaten your wife?). I liked the idea of redemption, though.

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The finale's final section was both tense and hilarious, then eventually touching (loved the final shot it ended on), which may skirt my personal line of corny if not for the fact that it's brushed up against the season's ethos in a fitting way, and fascinatingly played out in a push-and-pull game of will, feeling like a Coen what-if scenario: how Marge Gunderson tries and succeeds in taming Anton Chigurh. Loved how Wayne and Scotty intruded on Munch's somber third-person thing every so often (my favorite is a bottle sliding interrupted into frame from Wayne giving it to Munch).

Very good season that is near to level of 1 for me, although 2 remains my favorite as I loved it from beginning to end. My ranking would be 2 > 1 >= 5 >> 3 >> 4

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Odd pacing for the finale, and the rapid cuts to black felt overdone after about the eighth time.

Aside from that, it wraps things up nicely for a satisfying conclusion. I could nitpick the episode (especially the one totally unnecessary "thing that happens"), but the season as a whole was phenomenal.

Seasons 3 and 4 felt like they were losing the magic, but still good compared to most shows. Season 5 was quite the rebirth of the series after a bit of a hiatus. They've still got it, and I hope we get a Season 6.

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The ending quite literally saves the entire season lol.

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I was dying when he offered him the pop!! lol great friggin show. I loved this season.

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A short violent climax. The rest of the episode isn't what I expected. But I like it. It's a positive ending without being kitsch. What a great last scene.

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Shout by littlebasin

The trooper died for nothing. The last scene was overwhelming.

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well, this was bad, i mean, really bad

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Shout by Douglas

(S05E09) I kinda hope deputy Farr gets to do something until the end because so far he only got a bullet. :joy:

oh no

Everything else kinda went about as I expected, though Munch's redemption was one big exception. Roy couldn't simply die, but having him suffer the wrong end of two of the greatest weapons of the system he thought himself immune to (while judging others) was deliciously twisted.

I don't know if I felt invested in as many characters as the previous season but on the other hand maybe having some earnest characters could be a good way to reinvent the show, so even though this season felt very different than those 4, I enjoyed it.

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this serie is on how evil works...

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That finale was both not at all what I expected and yet exactly what it should be. Really a wonderful end to a lovely season.

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