the encounter of atty woo with tae sumi was both beautiful and heartbreaking… her answers were so wholesome and inspiring on a personal level.

the teaser for next week’s episode is also exciting. as always, i’m looking forward to the next episode!!! acckk i can already hear myself weeping when this ends

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How can you not praise the actresses!
And how are you guys not crying? :cry:

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As with the previous episodes, the resolution of Sodeok-dong case was rather predictable.

The main meat of the story is Young-woo's parentage. Young-woo and Su-mi's encounters are certainly very moving, but they are distracted by political implications. Perhaps the reason will be revealed in later episodes, but I am unable to comprehend Su-mi choosing to carry her unwanted pregnancy, when she was so dead set on aborting. And I am unsure why Young-woo's dad was so desperate for a baby. It would've helped if his conservative, anti-abortion stance was made more apparent.

More than that, I am a bit taken back by the series suggesting Su-mi as the villain when carrying her pregnancy to full, only to give up the baby is a very emotionally and physically painful sacrifice. Hopefully, the later episode will reveal her perspective and what she had to sacrifice.

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