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Evil: Season 3

3x03 The Demon of Sex

I enjoyed the face off between Kristen and Sister Andrea that led to mutual respect by the end of the episode.

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This show has been firing on all cylinders this season, kudos to all involved.

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K, I hate millenials, I definetly hate gen-z and gen alpha will be even worse. All those me me me anxiety whiners ;) useless.

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I like Sister Andrea. I dislike Leyland.

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Kristen’s daughter is getting annoying now, they cant follow simple instructions. I’m honestly surprised none of them are dead yet.

So am what was the fix for the demon the ? Hes still there but the couple had sex? What was the demons role exactly? Why did it matter at all, nothing changed beside the couple basically giving in the the demon and allowed him to join them. They made it seem like the demon was trying to stop them from having sex, maybe this is to say that the Nun is really having hallucinations.

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I wish that grandma would be found out by her daughters husband

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